SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

mary has a theory that i’m now convert turned EK.
i can see how i’ve been a null or scumread earlier as my activity this game hasn’t been the best due to irl issues, but now?
i’d have to be idiotic to bus objectively the best-positioned wolf with the highest WiM of most everyone in this game. (i’m incredibly dumb true but this would be a new level even for me) if i was going to bus this hard i don’t see why i’d do this to Emma of all people. Alice is right that she was primed to powerwolf and would have likely done so well had i not finally pieced together my redcheck.
is it possible? sure
is it also completely foolish? yes
i like to think i’m better than that at least

we have so much time

but im so tired of thinking

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I will say that every second Thomas isn’t here,
They move lower for me.

For someone with two clears - they aren’t doing a lot to push their worldview of who the wolves have to be, or who we have to jail and all that shit
I’ve asked for their result from last night multiple times and I’m getting tired of waiting

Yeah it generally does

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we have much time
i have little brainpower
@Thomas_The_Second i would like your night result if you’re here though. i of all people this game know irl shit happens but your information really could help here dude.

Are the wolves just frozen or some shit

this has been suspiciously dead
i mean yeah thinking is hard but this is endgame people

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did you like my post and then ghost
while complaining wolves were frozen?
i mean i know the thread is dead that was just funny lol

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I’m chillin’

Dunno what the hell else to do
Mostly waiting to talk with Thomas, shrug

Anything you wanna talk about?

that’s how i feel basically
i would love to talk to everyone else and i hate the thought of a dead thread now but with just me and you there’s not a lot we can do to corroborate with everybody.
i do have my Allies locked in though

I have a sticky note with things I want to talk about in allies lol

There’s a lot I’m waiting to say until then

I’m getting impatient but it’s absolutely in our best interest to wait until closer to EoD to hammer because villagers need to start being villagers

Speaking of which, we need to be around at least an hour before EoD. We need to hit majority imo. I don’t want to risk any shenanigans like a plurality Prince lynch even though shit like that is unlikely
I’m just paranoid tbh

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i’m headed to bed now, i’m disappointed there wasn’t more activity tonight. i should be on before EoD tomorrow, awful sleep schedule willing that i wake up. this is a precaution, there’s a chance i oversleep and i refuse to end the day without voting or risk a Prince lynch.
/vote Emma


Vote target Voted by Votes
Emma_Maison Emma_Maison, Edmond_Bailey 2/5
Not Voting Geoffrey_Bailey, Mary_Savill, Sarah_Lacey, Thomas_The_Second, Alice_Alard, Ivo_Wake 6

Do you think wolf Edmond outs their case on the deepest wolf in the game if they are w/w?

Why do you think it’s a fake bleed? I want to know why Edmond is so sus to you?

Exactly this, I think Mary is just scum here


@prince do not jail me - I think I saw alice suggest this earlier. That’s probably the worst option available - you’re just wasting a jail.

We’re killing Emma, which I’m 100% comfortable with. Whoever is at the top of Prince’s scumlist gets jailed and tested for KPN, which is alright. Again I would advise against myself but if tou really believe in it, whatever.

Again, we are left with the CL, possibly 1 convert, an NK, and possibly NE.

For Cult, I think Mary made it pretty clear from her fake (albeit convincing) mech on peter that she was indeed scum. But this was first thing d2; even though she asks “why would she reveal it now rather than when the target was getting suss’d”, but she reveals it long befoehand.

Mary could not have been the convert here; N1 convwrt was Emma. So at the beginning of D2 I believe Mary was the cabalist, whose check would have been believable. That slot is almost always CL.

NK is still a mystery for me, and I think it would be Alice. NK wouldnt have any tells, so we have to go by mech only - I think geoff’s and Thomas’s claims make sense, leaving the 1 I do not know to be scum.

So I thibk right now we have Mary + Emma cult with Alice NK.

Gonna sleep, talk to you people tomorrow

Yeah, I want to see Mary jailed instead

@Alice_Alard did you ever claim?

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Okay yeah…fair enough, I’m just trying to think of possibilities.

Who claimed bled?

Yeah no, did you forget the fact that I can prevent a convert?

We vote soon sound good?lets say in a hour from now I’m allowing votes.

Also mary you’re being jailed here. Unless you convince me otherwise other then “oh nose he was framed”

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