SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

let me go dig it up rq

Repost it, please.

There was literally no point in outing that Alice/Edmond were BD as thatā€™d just make them convert/nk targets.


I was SFā€™d

Did nothing N4

Iā€™m fine with the first 2

Iā€™m not fine with the last 2

Gh. None of this shit makes any sense.

Where did I miss this?

Pretty clear from D1 :eyes:

I claimed it at EoD yesterday, so that shield potion wasnā€™t wasted on me.

Alice, when did you find out you were SFā€™d? N1?

No n2 in allies with Prince and King

there was no n1 allies lmao

Thereā€™s literally no point in outing my checks before they claim as were they faking theyā€™d just fakeclaim inside their grouping.

Itā€™s common sense FM play.

And yeahā€¦ didnā€™t have time to play much yesterday, but yeah.

The NK is Mind Flayer, FUCK.

Thereā€™s no way they didnā€™t use this, they literally bypassed Death Immunity.

If youā€™re talking about last night

Prince wasnā€™t guarded because King fucked up

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Or could have been Heamophilia+Funeral Pyre. Or could be an Empowered Reap.

wh- How, HOW do you fuck that up?

Can I spam trees?

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