SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

The Inq has to have lied or I can’t see any way I got a K/O result N2.

how do you have a Cabalist?

oh you meant starting cabalist

you know what.

everything points to me being starting CL

I must secretly be CL but I’m just uninformed.

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how tf can’t I stop pointing at myself being CL when I literally know I’m not CL.

Day 4 has flavor now

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first of all, you don’t have to tell me how badly i fucked up. i’ve already almost replaced out trust me i feel like shit for it.

also, i trust that goddamn Inq and i will (and have) staked my game on it. look, you weren’t in that chat and Isabel was incredibly genuine, even after they’d told me all their info we just talked for hours because i was bored tbh. so no, i do not think Isabel lied.

don’t worry I forgot to brew a potion D1, I ain’t better

now, what the fuck happened while i was gone? don’t get me wrong i love that everyone finally decided to show up but it’s a shitshow now.

Uhh, we can’t figure out how the hell I got the wrong result N2 so now I’m going insane thinking I’m secretly the CL.

wait what the fuck?

there can’t be a Seeker first of all, the two converts were Cabalist and Acolyte. it’s unlikely we have a Fool or Scorned or i wouldn’t be King. i’ve already outlined why Possessor is improbable.

what the hell is going on here?

Exactly why I’m confused.

Half of my brain feels like we’re missing something

and the other half thinks we have the solve and we’re just seeing desperation

Sarah is an openwolf, with the bleed claim.
Just a matter of what she is.
At least we have that going for us

the ability of this game to give me headaches has not failed yet since D1

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i saw the bleed claim and immediately knew it was false lmao
seriously though, CL if you are at one point wagoned you need to speak up. this happened in FoL30, except with an Assassin and a Demon, and we all know how that turned out.

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I’m pretty sure without Prince in the mix, we need to get rid of CL today and hope and pray for a non-f4 NK.

We can’t jail the CL to stop conversion like originally planned

(this isn’t me trying to be passive aggressive, apologies if it sounds like that, I’m just stating my opinion on what we need to do today)

even if you were being passive-aggressive it would be deserved tbh
this is what i had been getting at earlier though, we might actually need to lynch the CL today.

both evils are in Thomas, Mary, and Sarah.
33% chance of getting the CL here
Sarah is openwolfing, 50% chance of hitting CL with this
(though that probability is changed by the fact that i think they’re Reaper)


holy shit
