SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

In a BD!Mary world, where does the fake red come from?

Can you stop asking the question weā€™ve stated that we canā€™t figure out?

look Mary i know youā€™re pissed about the redcheck being brought up again and again.
but that redcheck is the key to solving this mess and iā€™d love to actually understand if.



Donā€™t mention real names.


And you got it wrong anyway.

I want to understand it also, you know I do.

This annoys me so hard,

D3 I thought I found the NK and thought I did something.
N3 I watch him flip as BD.

my bad for that

this redcheck is the key to the solve, of course itā€™s going to be talked about.

Cultā€™s actions make no damn sense if Iā€™m Cult.

D2 I was on Grand Trial, why wouldnā€™t Helen just pardon me instead of leaving me hanging on the stand?

Literally this. You outed a fake red on Andy which caused him to be mis-executed and Ivo to lose his axes.

Thereā€™s no fā€™ing way that you should have gotten that result unless you were FPSing, and if you were then youā€™d have retracted it before the day ended.

You werenā€™t getting executed there

Leaving you on the stand makes certain that Helen doesnā€™t get wagoned there

Also makes it so thereā€™s no possible VCA for the day

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To not look suspicious. It was obvious that youā€™d have been mass-pardoned as nobody was trusting the king.


Andy was mislynch material. Why would I need to fake a red on him?

Andy was the wagon after that though. We all stated after the GT we spamvote Andy.

Thus me faking a redcheck on Andy makes no sense anyway, he was mislynch material from the start.

iā€™m losing my shit, my marbles, my sanity, whatever the hell you want to call it
itā€™s lost

and then the spam vote got changed to Peter correct?

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ā€¦ why did you check Andy?

To make the Prince lose axes?

Thatā€™s literally why he became a safe exe for us and weā€™d have just gone at him after Gilbert if it werenā€™t for your check.

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Iā€™ve stated this before.