SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

oh yeah also that

How fast did you know it was me after I subbed in?

Oh yeah my postgame rant:

D1 Thomas distracted me so hard I forgot how Alch worked.
And also being accused for messing up Andy and Alan pissed me off so hard because people forget dyslexia exists and that triggers it hard.

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This game for me was just Depression because I was GK last game and lost to NK.
GK this game and lost to myselfā€¦ and eventually NK.


very quickly

let me check

when u had ā€¦ in your post

Also PKR being Alan makes a hell lot of sense considering how much he was trying to get townread and confirm himself.

Late night, come home
FOL sucks, I know
She left me pepegas by the stairs
Surprises let me know she cares


what was your guess?

But well played Chloe!

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very well played chloe, and very well deserved.

shrug, I donā€™t want to bother guessing if you arenā€™t gonna reveal. Iā€™m too tired, Iā€™ve stayed away for 22 hours and only just eaten something.

His idiocy was actually working in evilsā€™ favor lmao.

I was reminded
I made something



Tbh I played like shit socially

And I got insanely lucky mechanically
Like things went from In The Shitter :tm: to Oh Shit I Just Win :tm: in the span of a few seconds, with the red on Emma

swing is fun

In my opinion, I donā€™t deserve the win.

was a fun game regardless
thanks for a fun one

@Arete @katze thank you for hosting. You guys are great
And Arete I fucking LOVE your flavor

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my guess is that u were surge


and here i was thinking pepega could actually be CL.

oh yeah.

I remember randomly I pinged actual Alice and that was lmao.

Yeah because like I am sick of being mislynched so to me being townread or confirming in some way feels like a necessity now.

I want to be correctly read for once like, so badly.