SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

ā€¦i mean i wouldā€™ve died regardless :stuck_out_tongue:

big F

i think iā€™m very good at picking up on the way you speak

i thought you did really well by the way, even if i have no idea who you were

you have a a super obvious tone

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tfw iā€™m better at figuring out alt identities than at reading peopleā€™s alignments

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I know but if you killed Thomas then BD wouldā€™ve won :frowning:

also didnā€™t know thatā€¦

w/e was fun anyways

do u know mine

Jane was obviously Insanity.

king doesnā€™t have DI lmao

and alice wasnā€™t chrono so

this isnā€™t a joke btw, BD wouldā€™ve won if Sarah bonked Thomas.

king bled out regardless

unless you mean killing the noble king, in which case scum could have forced a prince king had scum actually voted

(actually it would have been a 4/4 tie)

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lots of players just have

tones where 5 posts into their iso you go ā€œkk itā€™s this doodā€


my best guess is emilia

But Iā€™m Janeā€¦


ah wait right nvm

shouldā€™ve killed Thomas, solo Poss win.

itā€™s okay, that one also had a Fool and a Scorned so all their checks wouldā€™ve been useless anyway