SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

light is my best guess for your identity

Alice was actually Chloe

everyone wants NK removed and NK starts actually winning
itā€™s been losing on purpose to bully people who rand it the entire time

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Iā€™m pretty sure astand doesnā€™t play FoL

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i 100% know who edmond is

I told King to guard Thomas so that Thomas wouldnā€™t die from Sarah in the offchance they were attacked

I didnā€™t wanna live without my Fool ):

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I did this time

How did 2 people named Alice win as NK

Me: Pro Keep-NK Activist
Me Now: thank god itā€™s gone.

what do you mean

runescimitar isnā€™t alice


lol Marshal already got it so was that your guess too?

GG, everyone.


yeah i was obvious


but u had it at my first post, so im like oof

I donā€™t think whoever you are has an incredibly obv tone

chloe and alice and the inq all did

dat also did

wazza wasā€™t immediately obv but i realized it after reading

My avatar being off-center is truly the biggest tragedy of this game.


you spell things like no other

you phrase sentances in a way that is super hard to fake

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I just noticed that

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