SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

alice needs die
alice made me out
if you mad at me outing blame alice
alice wants obs and knight dead cuz of memeing


I donā€™t mind doing a FM if thereā€™s going to be no fols for a while depends on the setup <3. (I just donā€™t want to be in 2 games at once).

crich actually played inq pretty well ngl
sleeper good player in this game


FOL is the only place where you can get falsely redchecked twice and then jailaxed


Intensify was the Miller


inq played good

im a bit annoyed that inq didnā€™t actually have to do anything to win (this is more a problem with the class) but the inq was pretty villagery and would have eaten a convert attempt if they didnt day seppuku

iā€™m 100% confident i know who geoffrey is
and iā€™m 100% confident iā€™m right about who gilbert is
and helen too
but i wonā€™t tell if they donā€™t want to
just like i did with trochi

no idea who jane and emma are unless jane is jane which would be funny

Gets followed to a ded person then gets red checked like holy :frowning:

Inq i could actually kiss rn

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i love that guy he did me a damn solid

can Obs stop using follow btw obviously watching players is 4000% more useful and gives better info

watcher > tracker

but tracking a suspicious player isā€¦ fine

the night action was good it just turned out to be a wrong psuedo-red

it wouldnā€™t be a problem if towns were better at not killing their members


i know what you mean now

that feeling you get when you see your name at the top of readslists

not having TMI made things so much easier, but itā€™s still such a great feeling to see people lock you in as town when you arent

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Can we also stop checking framed people

Watcher > Scum checker > Tracker > Really bad Investigator aka Princess but princess also has a neutral and scum check 2 use so not?

just dont get framed


canā€™t lose to mechanics if you donā€™t get targeted by night actions

This is why I hate people saying check: X or Y.


I got mad at people doing this last game

Do I get postgame cred for correctly saying Thomas was a Neutral Evil

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