SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

wow chloe is such a bad person she plays to win in a mafia game
how terrible of her
people shouldn’t do that


you say this as a joke but that comment is prob gonna make her feel guilty


you’re one of the least toxic players i have ever seen
in a game like mafia
this is rare

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I’m toxic

I might start keeping track of my game results after this game.

Sounds like fun :]

You won the game, but at what cost
The inq won by doing absolutely nothing
The fool won

Your failure to neuts out is a crime

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has my identity been outed yet

i did that and then i realized it made me want to justify a lot of the losses

so i stopped caring about hte results and only track games for legacy purposes

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hosts are just letting people out if they want I think

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day 1 and day 2

Who TF are these people how do I read them.

ily vul

just an fyi

i guarded myself so eh
i just feel like shit because i haven’t won a single game yet and i’ve played what four by now? i really should be getting better but clearly i am not f

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at this point most people are outting so i don’t think i’ll reveal anyone and just let people do it naturally

thought [redacted] wouldn’t out himself by the discord
hello i am helen

you’re outed to me :^)

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Bro the 4 games I’ve been back on this site are all loses.

you absolutely are

i don’t really think mafia is a game where you can hard carry by yourself most of the time