SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

CW: Cult Wins
Yellow converter evil guy: (bd but evil bd win)
Mystic: Nk wins
Prince: Nk wins

i have
no idea who’s who
and no idea who’s best team player because i stopped caring after i got jailed

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just vote me



i was Edmond, the King that endgamed and somehow got pocketed by Poss

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Yes Ik I open wolfed sometimes I just make a dumb ass play because I wanted BD to live

and it wasnt even a BD

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can i hve a list of who’s who

Who needs brains anyway?

The class is called Arbiter, classcards have feeling smh

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see i would like to think so because i thought i’d been putting more effort into my posts behind just asking random questions and hoping to be cleared by existing

I’m actually feeling decently well from the mystic and Prince games as much as I could have played better

You’ve got to learn and grow from your mistakes

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thought it was blatantly obvious

I was trying to be nice ):<

for the record i know who all the scum are

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yeah lol

i actually didn’t figure you were Eli, nice

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Wait who’s Edmond again

Thanks for the compliment

That was something really, I was jailed n1 and my partner was frozen. The claim was my idea and it worked

That’s why you were converted

i realized i am not in fact on my main