SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

let me mvp you

Mvp Isabel for best town player

i mean isabel made a cult loss possible lmao

That really gave NK a lot of benefits.

Bd were pretty much screwed after executing two bd and then I execute a false red check.

i stayed up for hours agonizing over that redcheck and Voodoo Doll theories
what if you wanted to win
but my bad reads said haha no

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i don’t really think anyone would have gotten to Alice NK worlds

even the wolf with TMI was still surprised :wowee:

voodoo doll was impossible btw

cant use it on the same night youre converted

also the kills have to be successful

i just went along with it cuz it was easy to

also hi SDA


My reads were no good but also reads are hard when you replace into slot getting tunneled

did you play in the game?

It seems quite a few people have figured who I was in game.

peter 3?

well that answers that

I was the third person in the slots name I forgot


ah alright gotcha gotcha

I knew Derps was Peter from the way they were talking LUL.
Also I knew Alice was either Alice which seemed too easy or Thomas the 2nd.

You did great honestly your slot needed to die but I would have easily misexecuted it…

Instead of the fake red check

but you did really good for replacing in.