SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

yep because lolsoulread
it was smart of cult to kill ya though you did well

well i agree, but i like yo know for my massive DS sized ego

Game was fun for the short while I existed

I replaced into a basically dead slot tho sad

I didnā€™t expect to win that fast as Inquisitor to be honest.

i just didnā€™t expect Alice as NK

Inq is too easy to win as

Itā€™s kinda a boring class

i felt bad for that


Yeah I did what I could but other than being an IC I think I was just dead tbeir

i feel bad for that too i shouldā€™ve seen the signs

Issue is people just continue reading yku off past slots and you donā€™t know why they did what they did so itā€™s kinda hard to defend from those things

thatā€™s why i donā€™t think iā€™d ever backup itā€™s too difficult to defend things you didnā€™t do

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if you sub in early enough you usually can

but peter was basically dead

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I had no idea what slot I would get cuz I didnā€™t keep up with the game tho

The fact that I got people to like consider me town was good I think

Funny that I didnā€™t have to stab any of my heretics to win the game.
I correctly suspected Helen as cult and tried to push them.
Then the heretic observer died the same night I checked them.
Also I knew either the King or Peter were a heretic.
So if I didnā€™t win once Peter flipped, I would have killed the King and won the game then.

Yeah inq is easy because 90% of the time your heretics die to other shit anyways

And lolmassclaim

tbh looking back i shouldā€™ve outed my results a bit earlier

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It was nice talking to you after I won.
Was it obvious it was me?

as a spec, yes it was, you have a distinct tone

as a host, yes it was, i had TMI :wowee:

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