SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Yeah, I saw that mentioned. Not sure if Chloe was trying to imitate Alice, but it was uncanny. :slight_smile:

they hated him because he told them the truth
alice scum

Despite being annoying as hell, Thomas was kind of effective as a Fool since he was absolutely destroying the threadstate and making it impossible to solve, tbh.

Thatā€™s also why he wasnā€™t replaced earlier :wowee:

Yet I was trying to hunt the heretics.
Those who said I did nothing.
Uh no I scum read the CL heretic and proved the noble claims.
So much for Inq doing nothing.

One of those nobles was dying for sure.
If Peter died and I didnā€™t win, the noble turned GK was going to die next.

Thing is Inq doesnā€™t really need to do anything to win, tbh.

Odds are that the three heretics are just going to die regardless of what you do.

alice was town in my heart because it was chloe

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itā€™s like the way you played nk in community fm 2

How my heretics died.
CL Heretic: Killed by Prince N2
Noble Heretic: Executed by the court D3
Observer Heretic: Killed by Possessor + CL N2.

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That game ā€¦ uh well.

Yeah inq doesnā€™t have to do much rn

No wonder the BD inq thing in ToL happens

inq would need to be more proactive if town was better at towning as a general whole


I now have flagging badge.


what happened this game was that town was sheeping the mafia agenda for the majority of the game and then the nk took over to wrap things up

Yeah that Grand Trial wasnā€™t one of the best town plays Iā€™ve seen. LUL
I was facepalming as I didnā€™t want my Noble Heretic to become king.

I mean

You could still stab them

Eh I guess except Inquisitor canā€™t interrogate Kings.

I believe you donā€™t lose RE if you guess their starting class even if theyā€™re not heretic so youā€™d have been fine

Yeah I didnā€™t know that.
Thatā€™s why I was super cautious as Inq.