SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

your all dumb



Iā€™m not about to yell at you for something like this, but I do ask that, in the future, if you answer your own question before youā€™ve even posted the response, you rethink posting it. It is simply non-content, and suboptimal. Thank you.

how do you have more than half of thread posts what

im trying to make alice not lynch me but shes scum and bd here is dumb and there getting tricked so ill get mislynch and there gonna let alice and ek win

what are you talking about theres only 400 posts :^)


We do not talk to or about theonewhomustnotbenamed.

They are spamming and have produced less content than the 0 posters.

because heā€™s spamming his three thoughts and not considering how it affects everyone else in the game.
tbh enough of voldemort though, we donā€™t gain much from talking about him, either he eventually proves himself or gets bountied/PLā€™d/bled.

What is going on?
I swear I muted Thomasā€¦

Thanks for demotivating lots of us to not read through D1



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Okay, I see what you mean.

A lot of people are telling me that I should try to be clear about my thought processes, so I thought that if I type something out I should post it, even if it later becomes redundant.

Iā€™ll try to avoid this in the future :slight_smile:

bd dumb

928 posts

this should be fun

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dude it doesnt matter, just do you. Sub-optimal means nothing

I agree that your thought process is important, but thatā€™s why Iā€™m just asking you to take a second to think about it.

Nah. There are only like 400 posts

No. Donā€™t listen to Susan lmao.

Post your thoughts as they come to you.

Also you gave in super easily what is this

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for all newcomers to the thread: half of it is from one person and should not be read much into, if at all.
and i thought i had a tendency to high postā€¦

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Ignore ā€œThomas_Scottā€. They are constantly spamming and providing nothing of value. If you wish, after, you can unignore them, but it will save you quite a bit of time.