SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

This seems like a village motivated read list.
I put Thomas as a null because their tunnel on Alice is probably NAI here.

Nicholas do you mind explaining why Thomas is the “most obvious town” in your own words?

Top three town for me are probaly
Alice, Emma, and Edmond

Alice- mindmeld a lot a good bit of same wavelength as me gives me some good vibes
Emma- Her reads seem phenomonal and prob a huge townleader position
Endomd- (I keep wanting to say Edmont for a real stupid reason that might out me) just has been very consisant vibe/gut read. Nothing really has made me hate his content, and most my gut liked

Top Three scum are prob:
Mary, Peter, and maybe Helen
Mary: Weird thing about the readlist, lack of content
Peter: Weird read on me with like little build up
Helen: kind of just there doing nothing, complaining about thomas and thats it

Now theres prob more on both sides but those 6 came to mind and thats all you asked for. Ask me if you want my thoughts on any other people, can prob write u somethin

no worries, i can just be a petty bitch sometimes and dont like to be talked down to, but tbh having to read through those 800 or so posts , 400 of which saying the same thing wasnt fun on my end either so like i get it. Ill try to forget that and read ya anew with ya new stuff

what gets me here is that i’d like to slap a townread on everyone trying to solve and call it a day. however, i know that obviously wolves are will try to not just fit in, but appear objectively towny as much as possible which would include solving at a time like this when the threadstate was godawful. however, i don’t want to mistakenly wolfread someone for trying to be pro-town. to combat this, i’m going to re-evaluate everyone being “solvey” after awhile and see if i can figure out the motivations behind everyone’s analyzing.

It didn’t help when half the thread was spam.
At least this should be an easier thread to read through.

I think that the general opinion on him is pretty clear, and I generally share that view.

He’s the most obvious villager simply because of what I think his response will be.

(more clearly, that read is sarcastic)

eh it helps me formulate my own, cause i kinda like to see where peoples heads at and see if they make sense to me, if their genuine. Plus its day 1, cant really do much other than type and press a button or not

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Ha that’s pretty funny.
Spamming the thread is clearly anti town no?

Like i have a deep fear that people will have a hard time with my thoughts as they are kinda just vague gut reads usually. I dont know if thats usual but thats where my head at

Yes, I think that he might be a wolf or 3p trying to cause chaos; and if they are town they are still behaving anti-town.

correct me if i’m wrong, but didn’t you just say you read thomas as the most obvious town? i’m a bit confused here, are you town or wolfreading him?

Mary time.

Opener is… about Thomas.
… Meh
This pings me slightly, as I feel like this is the easiest possible opener a wolf could make and look useful/agreeable.
This makes me want to look through everyone’s openers once again, to be honest.

Oh, hm.
Reading through the next section is interesting.
It’s a chunk of posts both to, and about, Thomas. (I’ve read the word “Thomas” so much now that it doesn’t look like a name, fun).
Skipping posts/moments that don’t ping me in any way.

Proceeds to interact with Thomas again, and not in a meaningful way:

Yet continues to talk to and about Thomas

While not directly talking to Thomas, Mary is still not… really… doing anything else.
They keep making one-liners about Thomas, rather than taking their own advice and not giving in to the troll.
I also take back what I said about Mary earlier, regarding this post:

I don’t think this is AI at all, to be honest. I originally agreed with Emma that its more likely to come from a villager but, I think everyone, regardless of alignment, is annoyed by Thomas.

Finally, we get to actual content, at 15 (out of 19) posts into their ISO.

States reads on three players, then is confused by the fact that Andy missed players on their readslist.
I think this is just Mary’s inadvertent way of asking for Andy’s take on her?
I can’t wring anything AI from it, but Lucy thought it was weird.

What I do dislike is that this is the only post they have that contains any reads at all, and they barely expand on them. I can’t even comment on their reads because there’s no substance to them :upside_down_face:

I just took 40 minutes for a 19-post ISO. Kinda want to die.


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Time to sandbag so I don’t die tonight because apparently everyone townreads me

I wouldn’t be surprised if that were true.
Though I can’t help but have the slightest suspicion that there are a tunnelled villager who has death tunnelled Alice and is unable to revaluate their read on Alice as they aren’t objective anymore.

knight should kill ytou

ur not town they re either scum with you or bad

I thought it was funny but it seems to be confusing people so I’ll explain. :frowning:

We figured out a while ago that thomas likes to scumread people that speak against him, and townread people who townread him or agree with his reads. This is what I meant by reciprocating reads.
So I put him as “obvious villager” to get a similar response for my own amusement (and perhaps the amusement of others).
My real read of thomas is outlined here:

I don’t think you’ll blame me for not wanting to trudge through their iso to try and determine which.

im not tunneled alice isscum

Just bleed Thomas. No point in reading through it. If he confirms himself, heal him.

Reminder im gonna kill you :wink:

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that was admittedly confusing me thank you for clarifying.
i’m not bothering with reading the slot, all it will do is give me a bigger headache when they’ll end up either bleeding out or hardconfirming themselves.