SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

wait why are people unvoting what happened?

because the top wagon is currently the gd Prince.

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Ivo claimed prince :eyes:

nvm Iā€™m bad


I told him to contribute more and do more.

In short, Iā€™m going to read through the thread.

But what in the hell were you all thinking about this wagon.

Especially getting me to 5 votes when I was offline

I donā€™t want a repeat of FoL30 tbh, so if Ivo isnā€™t the actual Prince the real Prince should just nip this shit in the bud.

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cue exactly why i didnā€™t want to vote when the slot wasnā€™t active.

Apparently we wagoned the Prince.
Which is a my bad from everyone who voted them, including me.

Geoffrey can pretty much confirm me.

Thatā€™s a big reason why I wanted a push on him.

Iā€™m going to look at all your reasonings you better have explaining to do lol

Also not liking how Jane has basically just been in the sidelines here.

In other words, Geoffrey is not NK/Assassin/CL based on night kill analysis.

No you realise nk and assassin can kill more then one person

I donā€™t really know why people were suspecting him. Thereā€™sā€¦ nothing that screams ā€œIā€™M A WOLFā€ in his ISO.


Vote target Voted by Votes
Geoffrey_Bailey Ivo_Wake, Emma_Maison 2/9
Gilbert_Lovell Thomas_The_Second 1/9
Ivo_Wake Alice_Alard, Helen_Harte 2/9
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Peter_Carew, Geoffrey_Bailey, Mary_Savill, Andry_Bernard, Alan_Atlee, Sarah_Lacey, Edmond_Bailey, Jane_Drayton, Isabel_Savage, Nicolas_Adams 11

I just love it when people push me while I was sleeeping and I wake up with 5 votes lmao

@Alice_Alard @Helen_Harte
unvote as soon as you see this, ivo is the Prince.

So I absolutely panic about a quick hammer or something.

I need to get on my pc and look into this more

I am catching up now and shall do my reads then.
I do not want to make snap reads without anything to back them up as I believe this way I will be able to show that I do have town motivation.
