SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Apologies, but I just didn’t really know how to input my thought into the discussion @_@

You forget the part where I started making isos on everyone no?

I don’t think you’ve actually looked through my Isos

i’ll say this. ivo, as the Prince, the onus is on you to be as towny as possible to avoid being wagoned and avoid a situation like this where you have to out.
now obviously you’re town but from what i recall there were good points made against you so you can’t entirely blame your voters here.

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Push people, have a mind of your own instead of sheeping.

Yeah, whatever.
I LAMISTd but I was trying to say it in one way but said another thing.

Deja Vu, I suppose.

/vote Geoffrey


I hate this game


Ivo you have to realise that town only knows they are town at the start.
Unfortunately at this stage, town has to wagon people to try to sort out town from scum.
It’s nothing personal and it’s an unfortunate coincidence you happened to be the Prince.

…we just established that Geof can’t be a convert/NK/Assassin/CL…

Lets see these good points then

I’m fairly certain I played at least town like enough I just come across stuff in a weird way.

Generally I feel a bit disappointed if everyone is sheep voting me based off only posting about thomas because thats a great misjudge of what I’ve been doing


Vote target Voted by Votes
Geoffrey_Bailey Ivo_Wake, Emma_Maison, Jane_Drayton 3/9
Gilbert_Lovell Thomas_The_Second 1/9
Ivo_Wake Helen_Harte 1/9
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Peter_Carew, Geoffrey_Bailey, Mary_Savill, Andry_Bernard, Alan_Atlee, Sarah_Lacey, Edmond_Bailey, Isabel_Savage, Nicolas_Adams, Alice_Alard 11

True, but I still didn’t really like how lacking his post were at the EoD1.

From what I remember, the main points against you were that you seemed like your conclusions were rather hedgy, and you didn’t seem to be interacting very much with poeple, just talking about them.

None of that really matters anymore, but w/e

oh come on fuck that i had to go back and read the classcards to see if that was even a thing.

I still want to doink Gilbert today tbh.

i would’ve preferred to respond as i was the one being asked but yeah you summarized the arguments pretty well.

And also, I have a question, are you just meme’ing or open wolfing rn :eyes:

I wasn’t wanting to come across as wanting to just talk about myself and wanted a better understanding on the game thread state.

If you check the replyed post, I was responding to the one about where his iso’s should have cleared him. I didn’t see the question to you until after, although I suppose my post answers it rather well.