SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

He’s improved a lot I think.

Also read up first.
Claiming Noble probably wasn’t too wise ngl.

ack, i definitely know that. i’m a helpful person by nature and when confronted with that i gave him too much credit and too many pointers to try and help.

Nope, have to go to work but needed to pop in to confirm my existence

Ok so the slot was also replaced but thanks this actually makes A LOT of sense for a noble

oh great, another hardclaim.
you know, you didn’t have to out that. i get that it was suggested by me a lot before, but the slot has been replaced and outing as Noble is just a liability.

I mean… alright I guess. Just saying, you could’ve just said what you said without claiming


The other “undisclosed reason” was bullshit and i used that wording with the intention to make you feel uncomfortable, if you were a wolf

Also I’m ready to plop Thomas into my towncore.
Looking at Alice/Lucy/Emma/Thomas/Ivo/Nicolas

It definitely wasn’t random or pointless. We were both explaining our thought-processes as we disagreed.

Expand? I don’t think I’m quite following

What did you like and what do you dislike?

This is such a specific read and I’m confused by it
Are you saying that wolves would bus Mary because they’re acting wolfy?
I’ve read this four times and I don’t follow
Please explain it in 5-year-old words.

I’d love to be in allies.
Funnily enough I feel super lazy today heh. Tired af
I’ll definitely pick up the slack tonight/tomorrow.

… I dislike this claim immensely. Doesn’t feel real?
We’ve already talked about not claiming mechanical information unless it’s absolutely necessary, and I’d think you would at least read through the day before deciding whether or not you should out this information
It’s a no-brainer at the moment that we are not killing Thomas today - and a wolf would know this.

I do feel like you missed the entire point of that I would explain it soon and that I was on mobile so I feel like you bolted in way too fast then you should of especially after town reading me.

I’m sorry but I’m not going to try and explain my entire push on mobile lmao because man trying to make consistent Isos and a long wall push on someone is a nightmare

Honestly though what your push wasn’t really safe so I can’t fault you and I’ll look into it later (I like saying this a lot)

But I feel like it’s from Town

It was a pressure vote.

Also I didn’t townread you. I had you as an ever-so-slight townlean who I disliked the d2 opener of.

Also I can’t read your mind or confirm that you’re truly on mobile.
It felt bad faith and you didn’t provide reasoning, so I pushed to in order to get reasoning from you.
It’s early d2 I didn’t plan on quickhammering you - and I don’t plan on quickhammering anyone.

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I’ll keep that in mind. I did literally state I was on mobile though.

I mean what kinda of scum would make a bad faith random push that looked that “obvious”

I don’t think it would at least be smart from scum right?

Imagine saying Ivo was Lol Thomas and not saying Edmond was :I

Didn’t care.
I don’t think you claiming to be on mobile should excuse you from providing reasoning for your push.
Also I don’t plan on sugarcoating anything just because you’re Prince:
I wanted a reaction and a reasoning for your push and I felt like an easy way to do that would be to put pressure on you. Doesn’t necessarily mean I think you’re “lockwolf,” just means I think I can gauge your alignment easier by making you uncomfortable.

I have no meta to go off of. No clue how strong of a player you are.
There’s a wide range of experience levels on this forum and I wouldn’t put it past a newbwolf to push someone like that

oh i definitely was i won’t even try to deny it.
i’ve got schoolwork to do though, i’m out for now.

Nice agressive tone “alice”

im really tired rn

How does anyone in their right mind think meta can be used when we’re all using alt accounts?
Please tell me that’s a joke.

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The slot was overall quite damn insignificant.
The only thing to note is how often they were agreeing with Lucy.
It could be scum buddying to non scum or two scum members buddying up to seem like they are doing something good.

Basically if or when Lucy or Peter flips we need to consider their interactions with each other specifically due to Peter forcing the associations.

I will ISO dive and fetch specific quotes in a bit.

I know it was very specific but basically I think Mary is either

  1. Neutral. Scum are bussing them to avoid one of their members dying. This could be possible because Mary seems to not want to leave anything behind that could be read one way or the other which is not townie.
  2. Unseen. I do not think Mary is Cult and doing this simply because of the member cap for Unseen being 3 and Cult being 4. If Mary is Unseen then them dying as Unseen would free up a slot for a N3 convert. If Mary is cult then this does not apply since cult can convert again without issue.

By the “setting it up so we get rid of Mary D3” thing, I mean that Unseen could be planning on a mislynch followed by a Mary kill the following day so that they can convert that night. Basically planning ahead.