SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

course i will, i joined the game didn’t i?
enough discussion about my current WiM though, or lack of it.
i’ve missed quite a lot yesterday, i’m going to go back and read further. if you need me, ping me.

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This makes me feel better about Isabel.

POE1: (Bounty)
Gilbert Lovell / 2nd bounty?

POE2: (if bounty works)
Mary Savill / Andy Bernard / Sarah Lacey / Isabel Sage

If someone occupied one of the noble claims please say so

What are people thinking about it? I’m really thinking about pre jailing jane just incase the bounty doesn’t go through (obviously)

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I suppose the fact Alan was Good King does technically put Mary back on the table.

I could add edmond there I don’t totally agree with town reading them here. but Whatevs they aren’t that bad

Yeah I do think we need to make strong reads here and realise that 2 GS / 2-3 Neutrals.

Honestly if your something like a Inq/Merc or whatever I don’t mind if you want to out or your sitting Idk neuts normally don’t like to out in fol

Just jail and/or execute me if my bounty didn’t go through, fail safe, I suppose.

And also, side note, don’t just consensus TR someone because they have a good tone in early game especially in a game where there is convert going on. They could just potentially fall of late game, which is basically what leads the town to lose in WYM.

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Wait if they don’t flip town then I jail you which I obviously don’t want to do lol

man sure you’d be pushed d4 anyway

See what happens when you follow your gut? Helen was obvious when they refused to do anything and this froze up

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I found some potential w/w spew, but I’m waiting to discuss this until SoD-talk has died down, and after I see content from said players.

You keep having the same thoughts as me, so I ask that if you see what I saw, perhaps wait to share.

If this is a group of people you are fine wagoning today, I want to remove Andy and Isabel, and add Peter.
I almost said add Helen too lol

Gotta go for a bit. Irl beckons.

…Christ, I really hate the tone of this post, but you are basically mech-confirmed.

Missed peter but yes I’m kinda still fence sitting on andy :eyes: But They aren’t likely the strongest Poe target I do think they should be considered.

I can’t wait to see it. I honestly wonder if Helen was in anti spew by d2?

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Honestly like I don’t find anything wrong with their tone.

My jails will be used as second trials don’t think your safe if your jailed fyi.

I appreciate the independent thought, it makes me feel better about your slot, but if you read my d1 and d2 I have been pushing Helen and promoting the exposed prince to not play it safe and go with their gut.

I just don’t really like how they say it in a somewhat LAMIST way.

Might be overthinking it, but yeah.


Possible I might like a Allies again tonight (New kings get them I’m pretty sure). It’s up you (whoever becomes king here, likely emma). To make the choice of who you want in your allies.

Keep in mind Elected kings are way more harsher then GK if they act scummy or are a actual threat don’t be afraid to kill the King as nks can be elected kings.