SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I’m that tired rn my brain isn’t working

/Vote peter


/Vote Andy

/vote Andy
isabel if you see this soon, unvote Peter
lmao sleep soon ivo i know that feeling

Had to double check I just submitted jail on the right person LOL.

Peters jailed so its good


Sure I’ll /unvote
Time to /vote Andy

alright sounds good then lol
i should be on for EoD? ping me if the plan changes will likely sleep soon myself

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does it count as like pocketing if the person doing it is the Prince


Vote target Voted by Votes
Mary_Savill Andy_Bernard 1/7
Andy_Bernard Alice_Alard, Ivo_Wake, Edmond_Bailey, Isabel_Savage 4/7
Not Voting Peter_Carew, Sarah_Lacey, Jane_Drayton, Geoffrey_Bailey, Mary_Savill, Emma_Maison, Thomas_The_Second 7

lmk if error happen or something

I was disregarding mechanics while writing that. I had made that clear before I started.

The blue flip is disappointing.

I’ll admit, I probably should’ve pushed the idea that Gilbert could be not-groupscum much harder. I wasn’t yet certain about my interaction analyses.

But Thomas is right about one thing – discussion would keep coming back to Gilbert. In a way, lynching him unfroze the thread.

This is oddly specific.
Why? It’s not like you should have mechanical information about this as a Noble claim who bountied both nights.

Again, why? Because the dead good King was scumreading her?

…I should probably give up on asking this question all the time, but why… any of this? You had literally just called someone else the NK, too.

I have no idea if this is antispew or genuine. This is so… random.

I may be a little too verbose.

I’m perfectly fine with lynching Andy today, I think he’s never BD.

I still think the King might be evil. I think Alice, Mary, Edmond are still town. Ivo is obviously town, and Isabel looks really good in light of the Helen flip, so I don’t think it’s Isabel, either.

It’s possible one of Alice/Mary/Edmond have been converted by now, especially since a team with Helen on it (I assume Helen is starting Cult – she didn’t strike me as a good player to convert) would love to have a partner in the towncore. That said, I think Alice is still very obviously town, so it’s not her. Mary/Edmond is what I’m looking at.

Other than that, I think remaining mafia are in Peter/Sarah/Geoffrey. This makes the most sense to me based on interactions.

I’m perfectly fine with killing Andy today, obviously.

I’d like to point out that Sarah once again hasn’t done anything today while we were debating who to lynch and wagoning likely mafia.

I believe I have lost Thomas somewhere in that post.
I think he isn’t a “wolf” simply because of his interactions with Helen, as well as the fact he was very unlikely to be converted on night 1 based on how Thomas 1 had been playing. I was correct to call Gilbert unaligned with Helen, so I have more confidence in my interaction analyses now.

@Alice_Alard I don’t think I caught this… what exactly changed for you to agree with my analysis now? Gilbert’s flip?

…Using “wolf” feels strange. It’s like I’m calling someone an animal. …Technically, that is exactly what I’m doing.

And apparently, Geoffrey seems mechanically clear, so that helps narrow things down.

If they don’t flip mafia, I will re-evaluate everyone from the ground up. I refuse to be pocketed.

I’m getting the impression Edmond’s activity has decreased as the game went on, which could be attributed to mafia fatigue.

Mary has felt relatively similar, but I haven’t done a deep dive to confirm that. I might do that in a moment. I don’t think this is a terrible moment to start convert hunting, since we have a mafia flip to work with.

I’m not voting Andy yet, but I’ll vote there before EoD.

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These two don’t really go together. It’s one or the other, since there can only be one convert alive right now, unless it was Helen for some reason.

The exception is if the starting CL in Jane went for King, which I find somewhat unlikely.

He also hasn’t really written many very towny posts lately, unlike Alice. I noticed towny posts from Edmond very early, which is why I added him to my towncore, but I’m considering removing him from it now.

I’ll have to check again.

My towncore is getting dangerously small, though. I might be getting a little paranoid.

You do what you think is best. I trust your judgement here and when you are ready for me to out my role just say the word

They can, which is why we don’t clear noble claims so easily

How can I not be gscum and why am I easily the NK in your world? I want you to explain your reasoning because from my position it just looks like you are likely to flip gscum here based on your posts today. From what I can tell your reads are just pulled out of thin air and it looks like you have TMI.

I know I am probably late to the party, but I don’t think there is much spew in Helen’s ISO. I should probably take a look at how people treated Helen, but right now I am tired and lazy

I think I should move Edmond down a tier.
Isabel/Alice/Thomas/and maybe Mary are people I still trust as of right now, discounting the possibility of n2 conversion. I’ve been watching their posts today, and they have seemed relatively similar to me in general.

Andy and Peter are already dying, so that will resolve itself.

I’ve gone through Helen’s interactions back and forth with every player in the game. There is definitely plenty of spew.

I wouldn’t really mind a second opinion from someone who isn’t Alice, since we’ve been on the same wavelength for the majority of this game and I don’t really doubt her.

Depending on what people think about my analysis, I might be able to get more and better reads.