SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I mean I think most people other tha. My scum reads have good tone

Also sorry I fell asleep again lol

The cl is here



sorry for kinda being a dick last night I was tired and kinda annoyed that I was just kinda getting tunneled by everone

Thatā€™s not the assumption at all. The assumption was that scum would instead vote a fellow scum over the Prince and attempt to convince the court they were a good target. That was the assumption, but we had already came to a decision.

Evil King.

Iā€™m very much aware, however no one noticed this was the point until after, thus you are using logic for an incident you already have the answer to.

I hadnā€™t read. All I did was enter the thread and say that youā€™re K/O, someone called me Princess and I kept with it. So no, I didnā€™t ā€˜claimā€™ Princess, I was called Princess so used it to my advantage.

I donā€™t have a reason to not out my redcheck. I knew a player was going to be bountied today and possibly quicklynched. The sooner I out it, the better, especially considering the fact that the Prince needs a good jail target.

Stated above. Please stop repeating the same points over and over again in your block post to make it seem like you did more work than you actually did.

Answered above already. Stop repeating your points. Itā€™s annoying to respond to and is more of a chore than anything else.

Because it is.

I was townleaning you D1. So this is factually false already. As for the Lucy statement, Lucy was a good kill and plus you can easily be an NK that doesnā€™t allow protections, examples being: Mind Flayer with a correctly guessed class, Reaper, Sorcerer.

You are asking me.
You are on an alt account.
You are acting like I know who you are and if you play strategically or powerwolfingly. You ask me questions that I cannot out as I have no clue who you are.

Nicolas had a N1 lead on you. So this isnā€™t true.

Shrug, donā€™t ask me.

Because you can ask for something but chances are you wonā€™t receive it because players donā€™t listen to suicidal players? Itā€™s why people self vote and AtE.

Answered Above.

This is clearly fake, Andy. Obviously I didnā€™t assume it was an Unseen game, I was just trying to get my Princess claim across as slightly more real. I literally talk about Flirt and such in that post and how I ā€˜canā€™t Copy and Paste my logsā€™. Itā€™s so obviously fake after I out that Iā€™m not Princess.

I can say multiple things to this point, half of them will reveal my identity. I know how Alchemist works but itā€™s mostly me forgetting how it works due to the headache we call ā€˜Thomas the Firstā€™ constantly distracting me when I was in the thread. I was planning on Truth potioning someone completely random if I had the chance.

You got the answers now.

Yeah, no. Iā€™m really not and others believe me since youā€™re K/O.

Where did you get this from.

Hello Peter, anyway. I donā€™t care for your snarky remarks on calling me Cult Leader.

/vote Andy

However, I would like to see the rest of your reads without you having a non-open mind like you were last night.

I see then.

/vote Peter

Iā€™m actually pretty curious why we have a Peter/Me thunderdome.

Did I miss something?

Didnā€™t Peter claim Noble?

because youre wolf

im not on mobile or I would add joycats

That makes absolutely no sense.

Iā€™ve read the thread but I canā€™t exactly see much on the situation. All you did was replace in and suddenly you just call me scum when I have a redcheck on another player.

Iv been given promise that when I flip town you will be not alived tho so im good

what does you haveing a redcheck on NK have to do with anything

Ok letā€™s see.
Iā€™m not getting jailaxed here. You either kill me today, or you kill Mary.
I donā€™t mind Peter getting jailed.

Nah prince needs his axes


If Mary isnt night killed lynch jane tomorrow and jail EXE Mary

Youā€™ve given me a reminder to actually brew a potion.


Now respond to my post.

And by the way, Iā€™m brewing a Tar Potion.

@occupiers, donā€™t bother.

lol thats a meme

this is like an open wolf at this point

It was a joke.

They can attempt to occupy me all they want.

Canā€™t you at least make a case on me instead of just replacing in and saying ā€˜Mary scumā€™ when Iā€™m pushing on another player completely unrelated to you.

Iv made a case on you

can you not read or like