SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!


/vote peter

Grumble grumble


Vote target Voted by Votes
Mary_Savill Andy_Bernard 1/7
Andy_Bernard Edmond_Bailey, Isabel_Savage 2/7
Peter_Carew Ivo_Wake, Jane_Drayton, Mary_Savill, Alice_Alard, Emma_Maison, Peter_Carew 6/7
Not Voting Sarah_Lacey, Geoffrey_Bailey, Thomas_The_Second 3


End of Day 3 Vote Count

Vote target Voted by Votes
Mary_Savill Andy_Bernard 1/7
Andy_Bernard Edmond_Bailey, Isabel_Savage 2/7
Peter_Carew Ivo_Wake, Jane_Drayton, Mary_Savill, Alice_Alard, Emma_Maison, Peter_Carew 6/7
Not Voting Sarah_Lacey, Geoffrey_Bailey, Thomas_The_Second 3

Peter_Carew has been executed by plurality!

They wereā€¦

The Noble

Blue Dragon Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you. If you become King, you will retain Bounty.
Court Spies (Day) - Select 2 players. Send a message saying ā€œNobleā€™s Spies close in on you!ā€ to any targeted members of the Unseen/Cult. Those targeted members will be removed from Unseen/Cult chat for the coming night and day. - 2 uses
Gossip (Night) - Target a player and learn if any and which of these things happens to them tonight. - Infinite Uses

They were successfully Investigated.
They were successfully Occupied.
Their target was successfully swapped.

Bounty (Night) - If target player is executed tomorrow and would appear as a member of the Blue Dragon to investigative abilities this night (Except through the Mastermindā€™s Canā€™t Touch This) then there will be an additional vote for execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

They left the following logs:

D1 nothing
N1 bounty Thomas_Scott

Night 4 has begu-- wait

oh god what is happening oh no i didnt sign up for this

Isabel_Savage has died! They wereā€¦

The Inquisitor :shield: :fire:

Neutral Investigative
Zealous Pursuit (Passive) - You hunt three heretics. Their starting classes are [x], [x] and [x]. You will commit suicide after completing your righteous mission.
Holy Blessing (Passive) - You are death and bleed immune only once.
Interrogate (Night) - Learn whether target player is a heretic. Does not bypass tailoring effects. - Infinite uses
Ruthless Efficiency (Night) - Guess targetā€™s player exact starting class. Can only guess Blue Dragon Heretic classes from Zealous Pursuit. If incorrect, disable Holy Blessing and Ruthless Efficiency. If correct, provided they are a heretic, kill target player bypassing everything. You cannot be prevented, occupied or redirected. This does not count as a visit. - Infinite uses :crown:
Live to see all heretics die.

Heretics cannot be Neutrals, Unique Blue Dragon, or Kings.

They left the following logs:

You didnā€™t expect me.

is that it? okay cool

Night 3 has begun and will end in 24 hours 2020-09-24T16:40:00Z, the deadline for action submission will be an hour before the end of the night.


Day 3 flavor

The new King, Jane Drayton, surveyed the remaining members of the medieval reenactment group. Earlier that day, Gilbert had volunteered to try to walk back to town and call for help. Gilbert shook his head, trying to remind himself not to think of Gilbert as if he was already dead. Yes, the walk to town was long, and heā€™d had few supplies, but that didnā€™t mean he would definitely die. Besides, his sacrifice ā€“ no, his choice to volunteer ā€“ meant that the group could still vote to banish someone else.

ā€œWho should we choose?ā€ asked King Jane.

ā€œI think Peter is suspicious,ā€ said someone else in the court. ā€œHis behavior has been changing constantly. On the first night after the first murder, he came back and started acting totally differently. Then, he did it again today! I think heā€™s just bad at lying, and itā€™s starting to show through.ā€

ā€œWait,ā€ said Peter. ā€œI can explain.ā€ He pulled out a scrap of paper. ā€œYou see, Iā€™ve been working on a calligraphy project, so I havenā€™t been getting very much sleepā€“ā€

ā€œThat has nothing to do with the accusations against you,ā€ said King Jane.

The rest of the medieval reenactment group nodded in agreement, and sent Peter down the road. Yet, as he began to walk away, a piece of paper fell from his garments.

Someone pulled it out. ā€œItā€™s clearly in the style of an illuminated manuscript,ā€ they said. ā€œBut the paper itā€™s on is modern. I donā€™t think he can be one of the people weā€™re looking for.ā€

As they began to walk back to the castle, one member of the group stood back. The King approached her, frowning.

ā€œIsabel?ā€ she asked. ā€œWhatā€™s wrong?ā€

ā€œNothing is wrong,ā€ said Isabel, smiling. ā€œI was actually here with the DEA, with three criminals to apprehend. But now that theyā€™ve been apprehended, I can go home!ā€

ā€œNo you canā€™t!ā€ said Jane. ā€œYour tires were slashed too, just as surely as ours were.ā€

Isabel shrugged. ā€œI have a motorcycle in the back of my van,ā€ she said.

ā€œWill you at least send help?ā€ asked Jane.

ā€œWhy would I do that?ā€ said Isabel. ā€œThatā€™s not part of my job.ā€

She climbed onto her motorcycle and drove away, leaving the rest of the medieval reenactment group bewildered.


The wind rustled through the shadowy corridors of the castle as its residents slept. Yet the castle was colder, slightly, now that eight of its residents had been claimed by deathā€™s touch, or set out on futile attempts to return to town. As the castleā€™s Prince adjusted his circlet, he wondered how many more of his compatriotsā€™ lives would be claimed before the dawn.

As he stood at the window, he felt an icy wind blow through the room, chilling him to the bone and extinguishing the small, flickering candle whose flame was the only light he had. He hastily attempted to relight it, before realizing that even without signal he could still make use of his smartphoneā€™s flashlight.

He swung it around for a moment, then froze. In the bright light of the his smartphoneā€™s flashlight beam, he had seen a face, hooded but unmistakably human.

The stranger scoffed. ā€œEven here, you rely on the trappings of modernity,ā€ they said. ā€œHow shameful.ā€

ā€œMaybe I wouldnā€™t be using a smartphone if you werenā€™t trying to fucking murder us!ā€ said the Prince. ā€œLike, what else do you want me to do? Die?ā€

ā€œItā€™s not too late to change, you know,ā€ said the stranger, extending a hand.

The Prince screamed. He somehow doubted that the stranger intended to leave him alive. He hoped that someone would be able to hear him, in the castle.

Finally, he heard footsteps outside the doorway, and another scream. The door burst open, and one of the other members of the reenactment group appeared. Yet their candle shed light onto the floor outside the Princeā€™s door, where two new corpses were lain on the ground, covered in a tapestry.

When the Prince finally tore his eyes away from the sight and looked back at the stranger, they had vanished.

Jane Drayton was found dead in the castle last night! She was:

The Good King :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Head of State (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities. You can use both day abilities in the same day.
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be executed. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Swear Fealty (Night) - Make a player permanently immune to conversion. - 1 use (Starting King Only.)
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

No logs were found.

Andy Bernard was found dead in the castle last night! He was:

The Court Wizard

Blue Dragon Support
Arcane Empower (Day) - The player that you target with your ability tonight will bypass immunities (discounting conversion immunity) and be guaranteed to succeed with their actions. Their investigative abilities will always receive correct results. - 2 uses.
Magical Barrier (Night) - Protect a player from negative effects and conversion tonight. Does not prevent attacks. - Infinite uses
Ice Ward (Night) - Prevent anyone else from visiting your target. Does not prevent conversion. - 2 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Andy's Logs

Andy - Court Wizard
N1 - Magical Barrier Lucy
N2 - Ice Ward Ivo
N3 - Jailed and presumbly executed.

Welp I canā€™t do much, this is the end.

Day 4 begins and will end in 48 hours, at 2020-09-26T16:40:00Z, or earlier if a majority is reached for execution. With 8 players alive, majority is 5.

Before voting can begin, a new king must be elected! Please vote in your classcards. The King election will end in 12 hours, at 2020-09-25T04:40:00Z.


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Well shit
I didnā€™t expect either of those people to be town, and I didnā€™t expect Jane to die thereā€¦ ever?
I came into today ready to force King to GT someone in PoE.

Also looks like a missing nightkill.

Side note:
I love when my top scumread flips V, and someone in my towncore flips NE

Suppose itā€™s time to start re-evaluating quite literally everything

@Ivo_Wake I did the original plan. Seems to have been successful.

Be back in a bit.

i wake up to see this, and iā€™m incredibly dejected. barely any BD are left at this point and iā€™m likely to be killed tonight anyways so i will say this i donā€™t really care anymore.
I have a redcheck, and a possible explanation for the missing nightkill.

Nevermind on this. My obligation was postponed.

I want to say that another major reason I was adamant Peter was scum is because I was fairly certain Isabel was softing a red (I can point out exactly where I saw this), hence why I asked for people to out a red if they had one.

I should have seen the signs of Inq when Isabel didnā€™t straight up claim the red they were softing and Iā€™ve been hitting myself in the head all night because of it.

Iā€™m feeling deflated because I apparently fucking suck at Forum Mafia.
Plan to turn this around and get us the solve today, but I need to work with other people more.

Please wait until everyone has spoken to out who this is on. Now that you said this, scum will likely be in antispew, but I still think itā€™s important to not be rash.

I do as well.

Edmond where are you at currently in terms of reads? GTH.

GTH? iā€™m pretty damn sure about some of them, aka my redcheck which has led to a partial solve.
you can either have my reads or wish for me to be silent on my redcheck but we canā€™t exactly have the best of both worlds here.

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Brain isnā€™t working rn

youā€™re right

itā€™s alright mine isnā€™t either and it clearly hasnā€™t been for this entire game because like you, i suck ass at FM.

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iā€™d like to now address my activity drop as iā€™d seen emma particularly talking about it after i had slept.
yes, i was in the hospital and iā€™ve had lingering issues since that have made it difficult to be as active as i normally am.
this is completely NAI of me however hypocritical it may be that iā€™ve been yelling about slankers and doing the same thing myself. if you want to scumread me for being hospitalized be my guest, and iā€™m going to have a lot to say about that postgame.

Jane is EK it seems.

Explain please.

sure, i could be a wolf lying about that but iā€™d never stoop that low to save my own ass in that situation and if anyone thinks iā€™m that kind of person then i feel sorry for you.

mary, Jane is dead.

So she isā€¦

whatā€¦what the hell happened? How did I get Andy as K/O with no informed redirect or anything, thereā€™s an Inq not another neut so wth.