SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!


What a sadistic fu-

that is weird yes but damn am i glad i did it. my read was wrong but the results were great.

Neither of you/Edmond/Ivo/Geoffrey can be the starting CL or the NK.

Emmaā€™s the convert.

Which means that the CL/NK is exactly in Mary/Sarah.

Basically, yeah.

n3/n4 convert is basically a crapshoot.

you didnā€™t pay attention, did you.

Who else can be the CL/NK?

Helen was starting CL, we established this.

Oh, so Geof isnā€™t 100% clear.

my whole redcheck relied on the fact that Helen was starting CL and switched classes as she knew sheā€™d be jailed.

Well, heā€™s cleared of being the NK so either you or Sarah is the NK this match.

If all of BD pile onto one person for King (the Priest), the worst that cult can do is king Prince (unless they converted someone with RB) i believe? Itā€™s not like they can coordinate with NK. Either way we have a BD king.

Also Edmond what did Gilbert have to say?

I forgot to mention this also,
Iā€™m pretty sure Sarah is the Butler who killed king, unless they are scum who made a very very subpar kill lmfao. They can be converted but, Iā€™ll think about that later

I can point out literally all softs they had from yesterday

How many kills did we have n2?

I donā€™t think we were missing a kill so this doesnā€™t confirm her.

Hereā€™s where Iā€™m at with the rand

Helen - Cult Leader
Thomas - Apostle/Cabalist/Seeker

N1 Convert:

Emma - Cabalist/Any Other Cult


No clue, but Iā€™m leaning towards it being Sarah

I mean it outs the king as cult anyway and Nk should be wise enough not to GT m3.

oh, what did gilbert have to say? gilbert made exactly two posts saying his last reads were in his posts and he had no useful info for me, and ghosted.
aka why iā€™m pissed. at least stick around to help me make reads?

Oh yeha like one thing to note emma really wanted Sarah dead

Or itā€™s just you as it mechanically canā€™t be anyone else.

Like it was pretty uncanny how hard they were pitching sarah as scum to me

at this point i would request to be Kinged if at all possible. i canā€™t do much else with my channels anymore as if any more BD die weā€™re toast and a scumchannel would be useless. also, it much beats a Prince King.

Hi I have arrived

We might have had a missing kill, although I donā€™t know whether Edmond can confirm/deny this.
Nicolas claimed Obs then died N2, suggesting it may be the inq kill?

what role are you again