SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Talk to me about the game

Who do you think is scum?

  1. Emma_Maison
  2. Mary_Savill
  3. Alice_Alard
  4. Geoffrey_Bailey
  5. Thomas_The_Second
  6. Edmond_Bailey
  7. Sarah_Lacey
  8. Ivo_Wake

Order from scummiest to least scummiest

Emma is conf convert
Edmond and Ivo are conf not non-BD killing, and I highly doubt Edmond was converted

so within {Mary, Thomas, Alice, Geoff} we have 3 if not 4 evils

out of those the ordered list of people Iā€™m suspicious of is there

Reason why youā€™re #3 is I think you might be deepwolf after interactions with Emma D2 and D3

I need to sleep in a sec so be quick Iā€™m really tired.

Nit trying to purposely slank here

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Letā€™s talk about this.

So by this logic, Iā€™m a wolf with Thomas? He greenchecked me n1 apparently.
But Emma was converted n1, and Helen was Cult Leader.
Meaning I would have to be either last nightā€™s convert, or the 2nd starting Cult.
Since you believe I could be a deepwolf after interactions during d2/d3, that means you think I could be the 2nd starting Cult.

Is there anything that makes you think Iā€™m a wolf outside of my talk with Emma?

Shit alright.

I really need to know what happened in allies last night. None of us can read it, and itā€™s the last shit Emma said before going silent.

My general consensus is that:
Emma is converted.

Sarah/Mary - Ones nk I remember Sarah claiming to occupy people when they killed a good kingā€¦ Or Iā€™m mixing up their claim.

Last scum is Geoffrey or Alice or Mary? I doubt sarah is ever cult here

I would actually also like you to expand on this as well, please.

Which interactions pinged you as w/w?

Why canā€™t I just be a villager who Emma pocketed to all hell?

Emma was somewhat pushing sarah and trying to soft defend mary from what I could tell I would quote it but dont think Iā€™m allowed

Donā€™t quote

Are they wallposts?
If you get the time, I would really appreciate if you paraphrased everything she said.

It might be a case of me thinking youā€™re too good to be pocketed

shit are you pocketing me too

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I could do it tomorrow just donā€™t rush the day lol.

I really hope town doesnā€™tvote tomorrow.

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I did claim to use concentraed wine last night
Although thereā€™s no guarantee it went through

There was a couple of big posts and stuff but I kinda doubt a lot of it will be useful but Iā€™ll be more then happy to post it when Iā€™m on Iā€™m just tired.

(sorry for being busy).


Ok thatā€™s weird I thought youā€™d be told honestly but I can accept this and killing King is a weird move unless nk wanted to claim butler.

Okay well.
Quick question before you go to sleep

Did Emma say they thought Sarah was Cult? Or NK?
If Cult, what teammates did they string along?

Iā€™m going to jail Mary here but maybe change it

At least three of these are scum
And looking at KPN, I think NK has had a consistent KPN, meaning there have been shitty targets or cult is saving their 3 uses.

where was I going with this

oh yeah

I think we kill mary here, for sure
CL if I ever saw one

And based on how comfortable Prince is with Aliceā€™s claim, they can choose their jail targets

I actually skimm read and emma never really mentioned if they were nk or Gs, (I think) mainly just pushing Sarah as a good execution for tomorrow, saying that Sarah hasnā€™t really shown much town interest ect

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