SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

you want to kill knigth and obs

stolp ignoring me

I just did this as well

Canā€™t say I regret it

i want alice claim tomorrw pls up her


your all bad i fyou tnik someone who wants obs and knight dead is bd

she wants obs and knmights dead

Closer to EoD Iā€™ll probably iso them for anything important though

this never is what bd wants

she claims im annoying but im right shes fooling you all

Ok screw this.
Whoever the Prince is, I want them to know that I am fine with them beheading Thomas_Scott. At this point, heā€™s really getting my nerve and heā€™s barely done anything to contribute.

no im obs

Letā€™s not make Prince comments.


im obs and he needs to jail and kill alice

youā€™re not missing much, two more ā€œalice is scumā€ wallposts on repeat.
this is legitimately hurting me right now i need to take a break.
what the fuck dude, disability comments arenā€™t fucking cool.

dont let alice live cuz shes scum

stop doing spamming is against rules

but alice is scum

pls up alice tomorrow

prince shouldnt jail confimed bd cuz i can confirm myself tonight alice cant cuz she hasnt claimed yet