SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

You wish.

They kill a player, Alice bleeds out.

Like, the only chance BD has of winning is if it’s something like a NK Reaper and we execute the CL today.

One of Alice/King might go die today

I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place on who we exe here between you/Sarah

Also King is fine tonight, I TW them.

I’m aware.

However you bleed out since no one can save you.

…by then people would have won

Also, doesn’t every NK win in Final 4?

Only a select few. Some don’t.

Those select few are?

They aren’t specified on the classcards.

Mind Flayer/Demon

I think we’re in the clear from them then.

If you’re CL, we lose since I die and you convert Thomas.
King can’t win in a 1v2

Idk what the move is

Need to think


If I am CL, BD theoretically cannot win no matter what, thus if you believe that I’m CL it would be a choice of you deciding who wins.

However, I’m going to keep trying to figure out what the fuck happened N2 as I’m so confused myself.

beer time

I’ve reached a conclusion.

I cannot win with BD if NK is lynched today.

Are you claiming neut?

Am I misunderstanding this

No, I’m the only convert target.

I cannot protect myself using Shield Potion. Thus, we lose.