SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

NK wins auto in F2. CL can be GT’d in F2 and you win.

alright yeah that makes sense here i get what you’re trying to say now.

Demon: Wins in F4.
Mind Flayer: Wins in F4
Possessor: Cancels your Vote forcing an auto-pardon.
Reaper: You can win this.
Sorcerer: You can win this.

I’m pretty sure it’s Poss so.

i just can’t see Poss being in play, it’s probable sure i just would think that a dead player would’ve complained about incorrect flips/logs to me by now if so.

Then what else is in play?

(Also Reaper also cancels your vote*)

i’ve stated my Reaper!Sarah theories multiple times by now, and i think it’s the most likely.
if there is a Poss though, who do you think it is between Sarah/Thomas?

provided they have enough souls to do so, they most likely would but it’s not a given.

Okay so I’m not the only one who’s positive Sarah is Reaper?

(By Reaper I mean NK but you know)

Yeah, more than likely.

Who do you think is CL, I’m gonna guess me but then I want to know why you trust Thomas.

Alice and I both discussed this theory in length in Allies.

it’s not as much i trust thomas as i am baffled by your Andy results.
however, in the world you’re CL i need to try and figure out the Geoffrey kill/Voodoo Doll suicide situation here.

lmao i just fucking saw this.
trust me, i am nowhere near an adult and far far from the most competent endgamer.
if you want tinfoils and weird theories i’m your man, but making sense of shit is not my forte.

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@Alice_Alard you there? i’d love to talk to someone i can trust right about now.

Yeah, I’m here.

I’ve been typing something up but I don’t even know how useful it’ll be
I just don’t know what to do at this point in the game

I don’t see any way Mary could be telling the truth about the K/O check

And Sarah is an openwolf with the bleed

But I don’t want to get this wrong
We need CL out

Every second that goes by, another one of my (few) braincells dies

I just want the game to be over :upside_down_face:

Anyways what do you want to talk about

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i’ll admit i’m curious to know what you’re typing up now
…i just want your thoughts on the absolute dumpster fire that was today tbh