SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

the two kills could be explained by the fact that Geoffrey suicided as a result of Voodoo Doll the previous night? it’s the best theory i have.

you have wonderful timing
alice just logged off i think
@Alice_Alard please come back



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pepega the second has returned

sleep if you do not with to talk to him before tomorrow, this was just in case you did

If I’m not the NK and Mary is the CL then this viewpoint is impossible.

Like, Alice/Edmond are basically hardconfirmed BD by my flip. Which means that unless flip tailor fuckery happened then the CL/NK are exactly in you two.



T minus 20 minutes before i pass out

my arguments on flipfuckery: it’s possible that only people i have not successfully Channeled were flipfucked, but i find this a lot more unlikely simply due to the fact that i of all people could spot a Poss with the most accuracy and i haven’t seen any clues of one so far.

…tf is this statement

Remind me which ones you have channeled?

i’ve successfully channeled Susan, Gilbert, and Isabel.

CL probs has worse interactions with Geof/Helen, tbfh.

Will be looking at them rn.

As in, Mary is the CL and I’m not the NK then I must be BD, and if I’m BD then Alice and Edmond are BD as well from my n1 and n2 checks.

Everyone who died at night had a flip that lined up perfectly with what they claimed / their behavior
Nothing seems out of the ordinary either
There are no logs with a random-ass greencheck or anything of the sort

I don’t think it’s a poss game

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…this is a long way to say “you’re the nk”
And id like to point that out

How is my Princess claim weak?

He was literally a troll as he was spamming the entire forums for no reason. He had no intentions to play the game.

Frick wasnt finished

Aint sure on my end, so thats that

Lol, nice try, but no.

Here’s the thing. Since I flip BD, then Alice and Edmond are literally lock-clear. Which means that your deepwolf universe is bunk and it’s just you trying to justify further mislynches.

If I don’t flip NK, which I won’t then Alice and Edmond will be lock-clear.

Pointed out earlier - your n3 and n4 were extremely obvious ones that were only previously revealed - why would you check an already bd person?