SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

You outed a fake check.

I’m not going to shut up about it.

I think I’m voting Mary.

I’m channeling my inner Ivo and I think we just
Need to be aggressive or we lose

My brain has gone over so many possible explanations for the K/O check and nothing makes sense
I don’t want to vote off that wagon just because I’m paranoid
I think it’s just the right play
I think Mary is just CL and it’s as easy as that

Oh yeah, you don’t have to shut up about it but it’s so fucking annoying.

Nah I’m not letting that happen.



You are literally going for the worst route for yourself you absolute moron


let me go to lunch ;-;

now does this come from CL desperate to not lose their shot at winning?

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I don’t know how the hell you can be Alch!

It just doesn’t make sense

Nothing is making sense

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I want to just snap-vote Mary for their toxicity.

Neither do I! Dont’ you understand not even I know how I can be Alch with that N2 result but I am and I’m sticking to it.

…that is nowhere close to what’s happening here

this game

this game is why i have trust issues

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If I’m Cult Leader then all of Cult’s actions make no fucking sense.

Helen not pardoning me when she was clearly in the thread in time just appearing “after the Grand Trial” makes no sense when we could’ve quickhammered Andy afterwards without me having to out a K/O result on him

I’m fine with a Thomas/Mary crossvote, since I know you two will be voting eachother anyways

The longer I spend in this game the more fucking insane I go

Edmond are you okay if people vote
I don’t know how I’ll change my mind. I’ve gone over like
Every possible scenario in my head


idk anymore

i likely saved BD from a loss by outing Emma
…but fuck if i know how to turn that into a win here

And if I’m CL why the hell would I claim Andy was K/O in the first place if I knew he was gonna die anyway, that just makes me sus as fuck.

…why is mary making sense…

Is thomas CL/Mary NK a possible world?

No because that makes you BD

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