SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!



I cannot figure out who the original thmoas was

Itā€™s so hard

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Yeah, I fucked up your check lol.

guess who i was :joy_cat:

it was dybu dabu i think

can i individually apologize to each person i fucked over

My guy itā€™s fine.

I was also pocketed.

I almost subbed into peter but didnā€™t

Post them? I have mine as well.

you have a super super obvious tone

you spell and say things like no other

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Thomas I thought you were Merc until you I killed Geof and they were CL
and I realized Mary couldnā€™t be lying about the K/O

We gamed

i should have believed you for how insistent you were, i almost did

dude u played fine, dw about it, easy to read town from day 1


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thats what katze said, i dont see it

Top town read = Nk

I didnā€™t make a list of guesses

and iā€™m not going to say who I think is who for alt secrecy reasons

but if people out iā€™ll say if i guessed it or not

mod note:

Thomas_Scott obviously caused some conflict during this game. We were originally somewhat hesitant to sub him out because due to the nature of his role, spamming ā€˜Alice is scumā€™ was actually a reasonable, non-gamethrowing strategy. However, we ultimately made the decision to sub him out after he showed disregard for other forum rules, such as the prohibition on Zalgo text.

We ā€¦ probably didnā€™t handle this as well as we could have, and I apologize for the resulting reduction in overall game quality.