SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

ily too

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barely any alts have outed huh

I need Fool again.
I want more PKR Neut Big Brain moments


If EFoL 4 is accepted

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next efol has no NK

whether or not the changes go through is undetermined

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the alts who have outed by now were fairly obvious to me

when is the next FOL?

i wanted to rand neut so so badly
then i see Priest and i’m like oh god oh fuck Town Leader Trochi???

shit who’s going to be the town leader then

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the NE, obviously

I mainly play fols because I’m a nerd and like them but also I don’t like being in multiple games

Hold on, this might be the last time we ever get to play this version of FOL >_>

purest town in the game
we don’t talk about alice_alard


even though i had to restrain my y’all usage my memes made me so obvious
also i kept talking about being sick in the Legion


although i imagine if EFoL changes go through this version of FoL might be ran occasionally as a SFoL or something

kat did you meme the fact a person named alice randed nk again and won the game again

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internally: a lot
externally: probably not that much

i would like to think so

Clearly we need to bring Tol fool to Fol I think we learnt that from this game how balanced Tol fool is

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bring healer survivor with two kills while your at it

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