SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

they cant be confirmed and i can

alice and sarah need to claim or they need to get cs

think that was a record speed omgus, that ones going down in the books

what is OMGUS?

Can’t masteemind see visits if they choose invest and I’m sure seeker sees visits.

So no you aren’t confirmed based on being obs.

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mm can only convert tonight

its on the list, did u read it?

Yeah, this is correct.

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no maybe ill read later

he’s wrong cuz your ek

he’s speedrunning the OMGUS at levels i didn’t even think was possible.
ffs please actually read the materials people are giving you, they’re trying to help.

No, Mastermind can do what they want.
It is likely if it is an Unseen game that MM would convert, but, that is not a way to entirely dismiss what is going on.

shut up ek

i confirm myself as obs toniht


if you cs me your gamethrowing

hes better than simpleflips

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I’ll be back later I’ve got to do some things I’m hoping for more content outside of this nonsense.

My plan here is to create reads on everyone with reason and disccuss d2 pool before end of day.

All I can ask is ayers to post and try to help each other out instead of making dumb plays that clog up the thread


you know, normally i despise dead, silent threads but it might actually be preferable here.

your dumb