SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

shes scum and needs to be csd tonigh


poison ek too

kill alice

killlllllllllllllllll alllllllllllllllliccccccccccce

its ek

Nicolas time. In fact, Iā€™ll just go over everything Nicolas has said that I find important, as itā€™s a short ISO.

I already commented on this earlier, but Iā€™m not giving them townie-points for pointing out that they dislike Andyā€™s opener, as it was parroting something Lucy had already said. They also donā€™t say why they think its bad, which gives me a tiny feeling that they donā€™t believe this

Unnecessary posts to/about Thomas (after consensus was to avoid them)

2 posts later. To Thomas:

Honestly after re-reading this section, it seems that, in my head, I was slightly overblowing how much they were interacting with Thomas.
Most of their posts to/about Thomas seem fine; they are trying to interact with him in a meaningful way, and trying to get him to expand his thought-process beyond his observer thing, at one point:

My major qualm with their interactions with Thomas isnā€™t the content of those posts, itā€™s the fact that they didnā€™t do any solving outside of this.

I already commented on this. Itā€™s ultimately NAI, as I donā€™t have the knowledge of whether or not this is a genuinely inexperienced player - but I dislike how easily they surrendered to Susan in this post.

Also they donā€™t know who is playing, yet apparently a lot of people here are more experienced than them.
My immediate thought is ā€œthis is a wolf just wanting to go UTR and blend in.ā€

Overallā€¦ slight W lean. Give me more, give me more.

What do you want to talk about

Doesnā€™t seem like youā€™re living up to the first part yet.

Peterā€™s catch-up isā€¦ useless?
Thereā€™s nothing to it. The only read I see is naked:

Not a fan of this slot so far. They havenā€™t contributed a single post of worthwhile content.

I missed this.
Expand on this.
I donā€™t understand how this is AI in the slightest

eh i dont know really, i kinda found a thing to do now. But if you have anyuthing u want to ask me im all ears

Give me some people you are generally uneasy on or want another opinion on

Iā€™m feeling slightly ISO-ey
A rare mood

Uneasy that one is easy: Mary
Another opinion on: prob andy i hated his opener as it felt formulaic but tbh remember liking his later posting so im kinda like flip floppy on him. hedge i know :^(

sorry if u did isos of either of these two already

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Like all of their content is bland from memory or saying we wasting time doing nothing with thomas iirc, and then someone made a readlist when they had like 5 very minimal posts and were offended when they werent on it. Twas weird

Like i dont think they have said a real read atp

Going to be honest
Iā€™m mixing up a million names, so I donā€™t even remember if Iā€™ve read these people in detail lol.

Will check them out now though, thanks.


ny immediate thought to the thing about ā€œpeople here are more experienced than meā€ is that they just feel new, i dont get the UTR vibes but more a lack of confidence. Now i know i had that for sure when i started but i dont think thats very AI

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sorry for vanishing the past couple hours, had to deal with some personal shit. catching up now, will hopefully see some new names.

Ngl kinda confusing rn.

I can agree with that, certainly going to try though :wink:

Time to go back and read everybody! :slight_smile:


Thomas - I think this is the most obvious town in the game. Especially when you take into account the way they reciprocate readsā€“pure villager energy there.

Nicolas - :joy_cat:

Alice - Super high WiM, and I find many of their arguments ring true with me. (ie. not agenda with fake reasoning)
Ivo - They have a super pure tone/mindset, and thatā€™s before they started isos. Iā€™ve only read one, but it seems to have a clear progression.
Lucy - They seem pretty interested in solving the game, pretty pure tone.

Alan - Our mighty king! Anyway the way theyā€™re handling the thread seems village.
Edmund - They seem to have a generally towny mindset. Not impossible to fake, but no real reason to believe it is.
Isabel - A few reads and some solving. I like that they are making a ā€œcontrarianā€ opinion, even though my first reaction was to say theyā€™re scum for it. (Thatā€™s one of the other things Iā€™m trying to work on :slight_smile: )
Emma - Some good solving. Iā€™m not sure what it is, but something pings me that it might be fake. Itā€™s super well explainedā€¦maybe super WiM-y wolf? Itā€™s probably town anyways but I wish I knew whatā€™s off about it.
Sarah - Only one interaction of note, not really able to make any conclusion. (also it involved me but I didnā€™t notice :frowning: )

Geoffrey - Not a ton of on-topic stuff, a few free reads. Not wolfy, but I hope they engage a bit more.
Helen - Just some interactions about thomas.
Jane - Nothing at all.
Mary - Just kind of exists. Nothing really towny or scummy here.

Susan - I donā€™t really like this. They seem like they are just telling people what to do, really bossy-like. It might just be style, but Iā€™ve certainly never seen anyone with that style before.
Peter - Super energetic but somehow not solving? They just seem to be parroting and agreeing with people.

Andy - Feels performative. They say theyā€™re frustrated from trying to solve thomas, but it doesnā€™t really look like theyā€™re actually trying to do that. Also some hedgy posts.
Gilbert - They seem to have a confident read on thomas but I canā€™t see any progression leading up to that. :frowning:


If anyone wants quotes for things Iā€™m talking about, you can ask. I might be able to find them for specific things but probably not for tone things.