SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I think he means Andy.




Early reads, small explanation seems fine. Early push or at least a little bit of a take on someone that isnā€™t lol Thomas I like this starter good entrance gives a bit of a push and spotlight to someone.

This seems fine, I found it weird that Geoffy would have to openly state this imo instead of just openly trying to fix things or improve/make it clearer that they were in fact town. I donā€™t know it does kind of feel like scum potentially grovelling or trying to act casual about a early scum read without actually doing anything Jane has also helped me to realise that Geoffy might be a important slot that needs careful examination.

I personally think itā€™s a normal reaction from some players to get defensive with scum reads. I am going to tend to try to look at the other players POV and why Iā€™d be a scum read. Either way I donā€™t really think being a bit defensive is Ai, I guess it depends on the reaction and why they are defensive.

Jane is actually early town for me

well I mentioned above

I didnā€™t really memorize ppl because solving activity is really weak read in anon game and I usually focus on few people at once when making read

itā€™s just gonna be smth I am gonna keep in mind when re-reading them later

Iā€™m also mind melding Gilbert as I also slight village read Andy.
This seems to be a good sign.

Skimm reading peter Isos boring nothing great contributed Null Poe ez

Redoing Susan reads when I get to them, pretty much didnā€™t have much posts when I did early reads.

Anyway back to reading

Did you say Peter?
I put that slot as null as I didnā€™t see anything AI from their slot.
I find it troubling there are quite a few slots which arenā€™t doing much D1.
Every day is important for discussion. It isnā€™t good to waste discussion time.


Can I also get some of your general read on everyone else?

Susan seems like a genuine town to me.

Though his/her semi-fluff is :thinking:

Iā€™m getting a bit confused with all the alts so bear with me here going to try.

Yeah peter slot just exists right now.

Oh no I slipped as the hunter I said bear

Itā€™s ok. I can see youā€™re trying here which is a good sign.
Not saying what I think should be done with Peter for now as we need to beware of anti claims.

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I was working on that before I went to sleep in my chair.

So far I have Emma as a likely town, Thomas as a reluctant TR, and I think our king is good

No other reads?

I can believe Emma and Alan the King as both town.
Thomas on the other hand, Iā€™m scum leaning them. Still there is a slight possibility that they are a tunnelled villager here.

I find it a lot easier to read someone based on who they are thatā€™s why I might be struggling a little more here.

As the game develops things might get better I think I just need to spend time sitting down and looking at the thread instead of slipping in here and there giving thoughts on whatā€™s going on.

Iā€™m sure a lot of people are in a similar boat here though.

Oh my. We only have 4 and a bit hours left until D1 ends.
If you have anything important to say D1, say it now.

Honestly no, give me a bit and I should be able to read everyone today

The Thomas snap read is based on tone more than anything.

Has your read stayed the same or has that changed?

I was trying my best not to fluffā€¦
Anywho, I gave a couple reads earlier, dunno if you missed em. I do like your entrance into the thread, some more solving is definitely nice. Iā€™m was originally a bit split on Ivo, but Iā€™m definitely liking them more, as well as their wallposts, and their self-initiative to improve their reads (such as reminding themselves to re-look at my slot.) I donā€™t feel like dealing with Thomas, they either need to be mechtown or dead. I havenā€™t really seen much out of Geoffrey thatā€™s pinged me, so Iā€™ll have to do an ISO of them too see whatā€™s got everyone worked up. Lastly, Iā€™m not sure if I like Isabelā€™s interaction with my slot. Their posts all game have felt kinda meh, and then they just kinda have a mind meld that I didnā€™t even notice as their entire read.