SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Susan Ailemer paced the hallway. Normally, at the reenaction group’s events, she was in charge of making sure that the events ran smoothly and that no one needed extra help. Even if this event had unusual circumstances, she could still carry out her responsibility to the organization. She fiddled with her spyglass as she paced the halls; the spyglass hadn’t been invented until 1608, but although her group was for medieval reenactors, not Renaissance reenactors, she personally liked the aesthetic.

Suddenly, Susan heard voices coming from down the corridor. She began to run towards them, hoping that she wasn’t too late. As she rounded a corner, she caught sight of two people: her friend Lucy Wrenne, and someone else she didn’t recognize. Lucy was pressed against a wall, her eyes wide with terror. She was muttering some sort of incantation under her breath.

Susan paused for a moment. She knew that in her everyday life Lucy was a graduate student studying historical beliefs about magic, but she never would have expected to find her reciting an incantation as if she expected it to work. But there wasn’t time to think about that now. She had to protect her friend.

Lucy broke off her chanting for a moment, mouthing run at Susan. Susan shook her head. She pushed past the stranger and dove in front of her friend. “I won’t let you hurt her!” she said.

The stranger sighed. “Two of you?” they said. “I had hoped to avoid shedding more blood then necessary. But I suppose it’s unavoidable, now.”

The last thing Susan saw was her friend’s terrified face reflected in the glint of a silver blade.

@Susan_Ailemer was found dead in the castle last night! She was:

The Observer

Blue Dragon Investigative
Follow (Night) - Watch someone to see who visits them. - Infinite uses
Stalk (Night) - Track a player to determine who they visit. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

No logs were found.

@Lucy_Wrenne was found dead in the castle last night! She was:

The Court Wizard

Blue Dragon Support
Arcane Empower (Day) - The player that you target with your ability tonight will bypass immunities (discounting conversion immunity) and be guaranteed to succeed with their actions. Their investigative abilities will always receive correct results. - 2 uses.
Magical Barrier (Night) - Protect a player from negative effects and conversion tonight. Does not prevent attacks. - Infinite uses
Ice Ward (Night) - Prevent anyone else from visiting your target. Does not prevent conversion. - 2 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Lucy's Logs

Towncore: Alice, Emma, Edmond, Susan
Scum Radar: Pete, Mary, Andy, Helen and Gilbert

Court Wizard
D1: Nada
N1: Magical Barrier Alice

Wasnt in allies, and since n1 is usually conversion night, so thats why we trying to stop conversion tonight. Lets hope someones defending them as well. They easily top town for me atm

Day 2 begins and will end in 48 hours, at 2020-09-19T17:00:00Z, or earlier if a majority is reached for execution. With sixteen players alive, majority is nine.


Catch Up Posts

This post was fine and kinda pointless, but this part of it was kinda bad in my opinion. You shouldn’t be thinking someone is wolf for heavily disagreeing with you. Townies don’t always think alike.

Trying to contribute to a dead thread state is pretty good.

A pretty good catchup post, but nothing interesting in here. The tone is good though.

This shouldn’t really be focused on for now. We don’t really have much evidence to support either side.

The trees are back goddamit.


Trying to progress thread state is always good.

You only had like 4 posts. Couldn’t really make a good read on that.


This is actually a fine idea. It wouldn’t really hurt town KP or town’s ability to kill during night much.

Meh, I would disagree. Their lack of confidence and just sheeping is very NAI and could come from both town or scum. Both sides can get easily demotivated.

Just a sidenote… when people joined this, why did people expect to be able to meta-read people? I thought Arete made it pretty clear by the title that it was a full alt game… like what did you expect?

I never saw you expand on this Susan

This is a “whatever” opener for me. Though, the part about bussing should be remembered.

We probably shouldn’t be really reading anything from Thomas interactions. All of us don’t like him very much and aren’t very big fans.

This would be a fair point to read someone, except you wanted Geoffrey to ask questions for Thomas as follow up… I… don’t think asking Thomas questions would really net us a good answer.

Not really seeing the first part well so far… but we’ll see.

Both of these reads feel a little sheepy. You want us to do something with Thomas like he’s actually gonna do anything… I thought it was quite obvious he wasn’t gonna give us a seroius answer at all.

Kinda wierd read. I don’t really see Susan as bossy at all to be honest.

I assume Andy was memeing when he first started this… of course that is until I realized about an hour that he was a massive troll planning to piss off everyone…

I just wanted something to start the conversation since this was like… the first 10 posts of the thread.

This was 17 minutes in yes. I found Thomas quite interesting because I assumed he was joking about all of this and I was expecting him to be one of those jokers who liked to do stupid stuff but would also contribute. Of course, this was not the case and well I don’t really need to explain why.
The wierd wording is a fair point. Can’t exactly remember why I worded it that way.

This doesn’t really help or explain anything. In the first example, I guess you could say so, but this was like the point where Thomas started becoming really annoying and literally spamming to poison King and kill Alice. Plus, what makes this different from any other posts about not liking Thomas?
Also I don’t really get how the second one “feels performative.” I was just asking a question to progress thread state after the Thomas incident, what’s wrong with that?

Reads change, especially on a person who I thought was joking first but then proved to be not.

I’m pretty sure I was posting these at a time where we had nothing to do other than talk about Thomas, hence why most of these are Thomas related.

Nothing wrong with this post, I just don’t think focusing on King’s alignment is the biggest worry right now. Finding groupscum is more important.

Uhh sure?

I got pretty annoyed once he started spamming. I also assumed he was gonna flip SS due to how he acted.

Yeh this was way too overdue.
Also I don’t have much time right now due to school, I can only stay like 10 minutes?



@Alan_Atlee who was in allies?
The fact that Lucy wasn’t in allies and the rest of your pool was 3 sketchy people is a really fucking bad look for you.

Ask me any questions now, or wait like 5ish hours or so for me to come back.

king, please actually show up this day, will you? i’d very much like to know what went on in Allies last night.

Lucy’s last reads

Susan’s last reads

Imagine trying to read and only getting through like 200 posts

Thoughts from yesterday:


Readlist from Lucy - lackluster (town/scum based on makes sense/doesn’t make sense), but still appears to be town-motivated as GTH reads.
I enjoy how all of Alice’s “readlists” have ended with a W-Lean up until this point :upside_down_face:

The reasoning for the reads is Thomas interactions + appearing to be performative (at least from what I can read). If I try really hard I can understand where Alice is coming from, but they do seem very finger-pointy over smaller things…

Isabel’s Readlist.
Things to note:

  1. they have a lot of townreads. She has me, a nullread, 3th from the bottom, with only 3 nullreads.
  2. They have Geoff and Thomas as their 2 scum for “not doing much” - they are almost consensus “I don’t like their plays” players

Overall I think this slot is trying to appease people and sheeping other people’s scumreads.

Things to note:

  1. Alice a little bit curious with her reads
  2. Isabel conforming

Quick question - is it normal for an Observer to have no logs?

Considering that it’s a very important investigative class and that the player appeared to be pretty good, I doubt they decided to go logless

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also, i expect the lowposters yesterday to start contributing and step up today. D1 “meme day” is over and it’s time to actually start playing and putting in effort.

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Although I might want to say “afk”, Susan was quite active yesterday at least more than some of us coughcough me


possessor wipes logs, correct?

That’s possible yes…

I might just be bad at FoL and don’t know any other classes that can do things with people’s logs

Just think an observer with no logs is sketch af

Anyways need to go now, looks like no one has any questions for me. I’ll be back earlier this time.

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Alice you were not in Allies?

I am gonna say it now without mincing my words.
I did not do allies last night as I had planned to be on for the later parts of the day but passed out due to a lack of sleep.

I can only apologise for that.
I did, however, perform my swear fealty at least.

aha, i know what happened here!
also no, the King had made an entirely different pool that what was suggested.

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I was quite literally admitting that what I did was bad.
I moved Gilbert up in this same post as I noticed my bias.
Also what makes you view this post as pointless, if I may ask?

Do you get anything AI out of these? Or do you just agree.

Disagree. I don’t think this particular read from Emma was good, but I don’t think we should outright ignore Thomas interactions. Frustration and anger can be faked easily, but it’s sometimes good to try to see who was giving into chaos and unnecessary interactions when they could be solving and being proactive.
(You also interacted with Thomas a bunch, so this gives me bad vibes. Feels like you’re inadvertently saying “please ignore my talk to/about Thomas”)

Meh whatever. I’ll take it I guess.

Your wording felt disingenuous. Aka performative.

Catch-up post is meh. I want more.
What are your takes? You don’t really say “this is villagery” or “this is wolfy” anywhere in here.