SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!


Iā€™m not asking you to claim class, but did you visit lucy?

Also if anyone else is BD and visited lucy also claim that pls

Honestly, the towniest thing I have seen from Ivo so far is that he entered the thread today with the same idea as me, that being ā€œpush Geoffrey.ā€

I have tangible reasons for being on that train. Geoffreyā€™s posts yesterday were utterly unimpressive, but he has not crossed the line of ā€œthis is a mafiosoā€ until he wrote the posts aimed at Edmond.

These posts look innocent. However, I believe the motive was far from innocent. These posts look like they are intended to pocket Edmond.

Geoffrey randomly attempts to initiate interaction with Edmond and reassure him at the very end of the day. The problem with that? It feels premeditated. A townie does not have much of a reason to add these random comments in response to Edmondā€™s posts. A townie would be more likely to passively acknowledge them or just use the like button.

However, Geoffrey went out of his way to write two posts directed at Edmond, and all they say is that Geoffrey supposedly shares a similar sentiment. It looks like Geoffrey is trying to improve his position and pocket Edmond. Much like many of his other posts this game, it does not come across as honest.

Combined with the prior suspicion I had on him, I believe this makes good grounds for a lynch.

Quoting the full interaction for context.

Edmondā€™s posts are much more passionate, which further increases my level of trust in his town alignment. They do not come across as dishonest. Meanwhile, Geoffrey is suddenly very friendly toward Edmond, and specifically toward Edmond. I donā€™t quite see why a townie would do this. To me, the comments from Geoffrey very clearly indicate an attempt to pocket Edmond, and not genuine reassurance. Edmond didnā€™t need reassuring in the first place. Geoffrey just wanted to make himself look better, and improve Edmondā€™s opinion of him.

If you can explain yourself, Geoffrey, that would be excellent. My interpretation is that you are mafia.

Donā€™t aim your explanation at me, though, because appealing to me directly wonā€™t work.

No lmao
Said this before

There will come a time where we can whack the nail in the coffin, letā€™s not discuss this again
how many times to i have to say this

Okay thank you.

Iā€™m sure you said it earlier but I couldnā€™t find it quickly.

1 Like

Maybe people might miss the point of my day 1 but Iā€™ll just dab for now.

Iā€™m finishing my reads before half time Iā€™m pretty tired at the moment

I was debating on whether claiming is good in this scenario, but I have a redcheck.

I claim Observer
I tracked someone to Lucy last night.


Did you visit Lucy last night?

Nicolasā€™ proactive prodding and interrogation today are obviously an improvement over yesterday. At least he isnā€™t wasting time talking to a Thomas-shaped wall.

What heā€™s done so far isnā€™t difficult to fake, but itā€™s definitely above the level of people like Alan. What Alan has done today so far:

  • Admit to falling asleep and messing up the Allies structure.
  • Suggest killing between Thomas and the person heā€™s accusing, without considering how Thomas has been playing, and his capacity for lying as town (assuming he is town).
  • Consistently talk about Thomas, when all comments about his anti-town play are already long overdue.

He is not accomplishing anything with any of this. His honesty about Allies is towny on the surface, but that is about it.

His opening post was also very self-aware, especially in the bolded parts. And a sizable portion of it was commentary. Next, he went on to discuss Thomas, Thomas, andā€¦ Thomas. He gave a few reads on occasion, but it was mostly just Thomas as a constant figure.

The bolded parts are commentary. That said, maybe this is simply how Alan phrases his reads. I canā€™t say I like it, but itā€™s possible.

One question. Alan, how has your read on Nicolas developed, given what he has done today so far?

I realize I went out of order while analyzing Alanā€™s posts, but I felt it would be better to go out of order so that I could show my thought process more easily.

I hope you have a good reason for pinging as many as five people in this post.

I want each of them to respond to my question. I think I saw someone do something like that before?

(If this is a bad way to out my check please let me know, I can just say it if people want :frowning: )



vote sarah already pls


vote sarah


voteeeeeeeeeeeee and uppppppp sarah


killllllllll sarah she kill lucy


killlllllllllll sarah pls

Oh god im sorry


sara is assassin or nk

Doubt Susan and Lucy were killed for reads since they were n1 bops.
This isnā€™t NKA.
This is simply me trying to understand why they townread the people they townread, so that I can get better at forming a towncore.
Figured Iā€™d post this in thread rather than classcard so people can comment, even though this is mostly just so I can organize my thoughts.

Posts on Alice - Top town (Yes I'm including myself. Eat me)
Posts on Emma - Second top town
Posts on Jane - Third top town
Posts on Lucy - Fourth top town

^ This was a response to Lucy

Posts on Edmond - Top townlean

Memey, but worth mentioning.
They had a ā€œsmall-brainmeldā€ moment in which they were both interacting jokingly. They probably townleaned Edmond on tone?

Posts on Geoffrey - Second townlean
Posts on Ivo - Third townlean
Posts on Nicolas - Bottommost townlean

The overwhelming amount of townreads from Susan come from the idea that earlygame solving is townie. Which I mostly agree with. In fact I agree with all of her top townreads for the same reasons - though one is dead, and one is me. I donā€™t see a post on why they townread Emma? I will assume its similar reasoning to their other townreads.

Honestly though this made me want more from Jane. I loved their opener and it felt like a frenzy of genuine solving. Iā€™m hungry for more Jane content.

Their top townlean being Edmond is likely explained by the ā€œsmall-brainmeldā€ moment, in which they jokingly said they have been pocketed. I donā€™t feel comfortable sheeping this, as they didnā€™t do a ton of explaining into why they townleaned Edmond. But Iā€™ll keep an eye on the slot. I liked them towards the end of yesterday.

They unfortunately didnā€™t get to the Geoffrey ISO. Seems they moved him down a little towards the end? The comment on Geoffreyā€™s EoD Sarah post gives me that feeling. The only thing I have to work on for why they townleaned Geoffrey is that they didnā€™t actively dislike anything he said.

I agree with them on Ivo. I want Ivo to keep it up.

I disagree with the Nicolas take. They liked Nicolasā€™ posts, whereas I didnā€™t. I really wish they expanded on this read so I could understand why they put Nicolas here. Itā€™s the one Iā€™m most interested in.

Overall it seems like Susan and I had a similar mindset when it came to putting people in our townleans/reads (which makes me feel slightly better about my play this game).
Day 1 is an entirely different scenario from Day 2 though, as we now have votes, mechanics, and flips to work with.

I didnā€™t get as much out of this Susan thing as I had hoped, but I still donā€™t find this useless. I really just wanted to see how they find town and if it matched with what I did d1, or what I could be doing better. Seeing how other people solve helps me solve (and honestly this kinda motivated me. Iā€™m feelinā€™ good).

The fact that we agree on a lot of reasonings makes me feel good about my townreads/leans thusfar.
Good starting point. I will keep an eye on every player listed here and we can hopefully create a solid towncore to work with today.

Iā€™m now going to procrastinate on Lucy because they have so many fucking posts.

Ramble session over for now

I think Iā€™m going to wait until more people get here.

My reads have not changed much overnight, I merely compiled them a little. Excluding potential for conversion, I think Alice_Alard, Edmond_Bailey, Gilbert_Lovell, Thomas_Scott, are town. And yes, I hate the fact Thomas is on this list as much as everyone else.

I townlean Mary_Savill, despite Aliceā€™s disagreement with that specific read.

I donā€™t trust Isabel (which I will explain later), and I am pushing Geoffrey and Alan for reasons stated above. I think they are mafia. Geoffrey more likely than Alan.