SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I’m not K/O jesus christ.
This is a horrible RT.

Also, stop this RT.

I don’t get where this is going. If this is one big RT, you guys suck at doing RTs then.

It’s your word against the Princess.
How are you so sure this is a RT?
I don’t see how this is a RT, perhaps I’m missing something obvious.

…Uh, I was just asking question, not sure where did the RT came from.

Jesus christ, stop trying make me believe this stupid RT.

Are you satisfied?

I’m going back to working on my catch-up posts.
You guys better have a good reason for this stupid RT.


Ivo spends way too much time on Thomas the 1st, and yet said this.


posts entire iso
doesn’t say much about it

bad mentality but NAI (?)

hedge 1000

“great lead push” lol light scum

in a nutshell...

hedge 1000
most of content focused on thomas the 1st

/vote Ivo @katze @whoevertheotherhostwas


Vote target Voted by Votes
Geoffrey_Bailey Ivo_Wake, Emma_Maison 2/9
Gilbert_Lovell Thomas_The_Second 1/9
Ivo_Wake Alice_Alard, Nicolas_Adams, Isabel_Savage, Jane_Drayton, Helen_Harte 5/9
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Peter_Carew, Geoffrey_Bailey, Mary_Savill, Andry_Bernard, Alan_Atlee, Sarah_Lacey, Edmond_Bailey 8

for a minute i thought majority was 7 and panicked cuz L-2 and whatnot
dont get him to L-1 pls

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Anyways I think the RT is pretty much done.

tbh +town points to Thomas for thinking of it imo.

But there is a good reason for us to want your claim:

I claimed Observer earlier, and I would very much like to know what you were doing when you visited Lucy.

If you do not, you will very likely be executed today/tonight, so there’s that.

Oh huh… that’s pretty fair. I guess that explains the K/O claims on me. Anyways, I guess I’ll claim. I’m a Court Wizard who visited Lucy.

This is why we wanted your claim earlier bc now we don’t know if you made the claim in response to the real check

Although I would have never thought to out a fake check anyways except for thomas, so idk

So you’re the 2nd CW if that is to be believed.

and I’m the second obs

Not saying I believe his claim, but for all we know all the remaining BD randed CW

I’m not gonna claim my class when I know you guys are trying a RT on me.

What’s wrong with me being second CW?

None as far as I can see it.
I have to say that how you handled the reaction test is a good look for you.
I do believe you’re a CW after that reaction test.

Thank you I guess?
Tbh that RT was kinda bad

I have no idea how to read reaction tests, so I’ll hold off on that judgement.

I was personally hoping for a contradictory claim 'cause that would have tied things up nicely.

I guess I’ll leave that to other town as they pop in.

I’m not sure how I feel about you claiming the only S/S that is consistent with what you’ve claimed/what we know. But I need to leave and do homework now.

It was a terrible RT tbh

Keep in mind that a wolf has a buddy or 2 to tell them to expect it

I personally saw nothing AI, except maybe this:

I read this and expected them to claim something within the K/O type pairing. I read it as: “I’m K/O but that doesn’t mean its a redcheck”

“RT” was dumb and the follow should not have been outted until at least halfway through the day, because things like this happen.

I’m still fine with the slot being Princed

What was your action and why did you choose it and choose Lucy as your target?
I hate mech talk but meh