SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Do you want me to respond to completely random things that aren’t even close to being about me? I don’t have anything to add to some things and you say this like I should’ve.







Goes Townread - Townlean - Scumlean - Scumread. No Nulls here.

Bit busy atm so you can get explanations later.

I was busy writing it.

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I still need to read all of these people but,
This seems like a reasonable plan I think:

Jail helen
Exe gilbert/geoffery (icr which)


/shoot jane

(That’s funny but I can’t say why)

Thoughts on this?

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*based on consensus/average reads.
I haven’t looked at these people myself but I trust the people pushing them

Who said andy visited Lucy lets clear this up

I am going to do things how I usually do it which is a tier reads list.

10: Ivo
8: Alice, Nicolas, Isabel
7: Jane, Emma
6: Edmond, Peter, Geoffrey
5: Mary, Thomas, Gilbert
4: Sarah
3: Helen, Andy

I mean a lot has happened while you were away. I’d think some things would ping you or stand out? Even if its a simple “I agree/disagree with this take,” it’s important to understand your thought-process and why you read people the way you do.
The game isn’t just about responding to things that mention you.

Where am I in this list?
Also please explain Peter, Alan (I’ll go back and read your posts from earlier rn and see if you explained this one), Nicolas, Edmond

We leave room for wifom. Prince jails outside of the two main wagons, and everything else is up to the individual. I do think that killers and offensives should consider targeting the counterwagon though.
Having a strict plan allows for evils to work around it much easier, and we don’t want that.

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I plan on this changing as despite how bad I feel I will not go down without some of a fight at least.
It is the minimum I can do

I did

i told mary that not 10 min ago

Wait what the hell lol

oh, I forgot to remove the scumlean Nicolas.

:gemini: :^)

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I asked about who claimed the visit and moved Nicolas to a Top Townlean and forgot to remove the Scumlean one.

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Actually, I forgot to move Geoffrey up after reevaluation.
Would move to a 7 or 8

Can you answer these please?
Also replace Nicolas with Emma. I just noticed her positioning.

Explain Jane please. Curious what your take is.
Also why did you Grand Trial Mary if they are a 5 for you? Why not Sarah, Helen, or Andy?

Uh sure, I might be able to.

I forgot to add you, but you’re still a scumlean for me. Closest to Townlean however (Or Null if you want to put that)

Peter gave off Townie vibes and I haven’t exactly found myself disagreeing with him much.
Alan as stated earlier makes no sense to be doing this as Evil King (Explained this one, btw)
Emma has been a pretty big meh, but I noticed one or two times I got at least a townie ping from them (I’ll try quote them soon)
Edmond hasn’t exactly done anything notable for me. Which I find extremely strange considering their 241 post ISO. He may be active but from noticeability he hasn’t really done…well anything. All he’s done is ask questions without contributing much as himself.

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Reaction to the grand trial is why Mary is a 5.
Would have been a 3 or 4 otherwise.

As for Jane, I think that their reactions to my uncertainty on their slot was good. I still would have liked more of an explanation on some bits but that is my fault as I should have been the one to concentrate on that.

Their reads in retrospect seem fine to me. The only bit of concern is that they did vote Ivo, but, they are one of many who had done so, therefore I will not hold it back against the slot.

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Gotcha. I was misunderstanding what you were saying when this all went down. You want him poisoned because he is ultimately an untrustworthy and now mechanically-useless BD King, from your perspective?

Is this still OMGUS, or do you have other reasoning?

It’s not the really vote itself that matters, it’s why they voted. Do you think Jane was being honest with their reason for voting Ivo?

An aside: Why is the thread so incredibly dead currently? We are nearing the end of the day and there is still no mod confirmation of a Grand Trial (even though I do think it happened), why is nobody here or doing… anything?
I’m honestly unsure how to read into this but something definitely feels off to me.