SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

This proves they got a convert. This guy was killed by Alice.

Prince was attacked by Cult while I was in jail.

Edmond is Lock-Town at this point.

I had a busy day yesterday. I really can’t speak more on the matter or I’ll reveal my identity.

Chances are this is true. Thus meaning we’re looking for the other starting cult.

I can heal a player tonight.

I’m 100% sure you killed Geoffrey, thus I’m confirming you based on matters of Edmond being attacked.

I CANNOT be NK as I was jailed.

They had 2 Cabalists. Cabalists have a framing ability, might I add.

Apostle, Cabalist and Seeker can frame.

I believe I can just copy and paste it:
“Not much to say here… I guess like what’s The final GS and Nk prediction. Sorry if you’re bd I just really can’t trust you but I do think this can go a lot of ways, even 1 kill isn’t really proof you’re evil.”

This doesn’t make sense. The world that makes sense instead is this:

  • I am not starting Cult.
  • Starting Cult was Helen/Geoffrey
  • I was converted N3
  • My class was swapped with Geoffrey N4.

This world, however makes no sense since I knew I was going to be jailed before hand.

There is no way I can be Cult Leader and Geoffrey’s flip is proof, and the NK kill is also proof.

(Also ignore my ramblings of me being confirmed by a Cult death, those were made before I noticed the Chrono claim)

Okay, I’ve got GREAT news.

I did not know Alchemist worked like this.

However I have my potion I brewed yesterday stored up. Meaning I can brew a second.

We kill Cult, I use my Heal.
We kill NK, I use my Shield.

. Now:

Confirmed Not Cult:

  • Edmond :crown:
  • Mary
  • Alice


Confirmed Not NK:

  • Myself (MY POV ONLY)
  • Nobody

Players who we don’t kill today no matter what:

  • Edmond :crown:
  • Alice
  • Myself (MY POV ONLY)

I have two potions that will be brewed by tonight. Shield was brewed yesterday but unused, Heal is being brewed today.

Both of you are in all 3 PoE’s. Explain yourselves and confirm yourselves as Town, immediately.

That’s not how TW works. They don’t die on the same night, it’s 2 nights in the future.
I’d have to have transferred a death to Geof on n2 - but I didn’t transfer any deaths on n2. I couldn’t have killed Geoffrey

Cabalists don’t have a framing ability that turns people K/O

Just switches their alignment.
You specifically said Andy was K/O
I don’t see how Andy could be found K/O
This doesn’t make sense

i don’t think you’re supposed to c+p but it’s too late to tell you that now
This message adds up with what Ivo said to us in allies, yeah.
They said they sent you something about not trusting you.

You can’t class swap twice in one game, and we know Helen class-swapped while they were alive, because Inq informed us that they had a CL heretic.
Why doesn’t it make sense for you to be starting Cabalist -> CL?
The one thing that doesn’t add up is why Geof wanted you jailed last night - but it could very well have been to protect you from NK attacks, and since Geof was converted the night before, convert was on cooldown

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Yeah, I forgot about this.

True, thanks for pointing this out. My theory currently is that Thomas was starting Seeker (He claimed Princess which is especially suspicious) and then framed Andy, but that’s just a hunch.


To be fair, they were speaking the entire day about not trusting me and at that point there was no point in trying. I do regret not responding though since I was busy irl. (Will explain Post-Game, now is not the time)

Yeah I read that it read ‘Shared’

Because there were 2 deaths which can only be accomplished by a CL. How did Ivo die if I’m CL?

Why would NK attack me? That makes absolutely no sense as I’m lynchbait.

Hi I is back

My tinfoil above was immediately dismissed by the fact that it hasn’t been day 6 yet ._.

So we have 1 cult, 1 NK
I think it’s Mary for the obvious shennanigans on Andy + Alice the NK trying to kill me

as previously noted, I’m your friendly wine dude

Alice/Edmond are confirmed not NK as per my n1 and n2 WoW.

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This only exists because they’re pushing on me

Had this not existed, I would be suspicious of Mr. Thomas for the questionable Noble claim


Am i stupid

I need help

@peoples didn’t Thomas claim Noble at one point

Ivo was a NK death, Geoff died from using the Voodoo action.

The Noble claims were Peter and Jane. I’m a Princess.

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Alice can’t be the NK as I used WoW on them n1 and it returned BD.

Plus they returned S/S last night, so they’re not converted.

I don’t trust you but thanks for this.

Like atp in my PoV it’s literally impossible for the NK/Cl to be anything but Sarah/Mary.

This isn’t possible.
Helen class-swapped d2, as they flipped Cabalist when beheaded - meaning Thomas would be CL on the night Andy was “framed.”
Doesn’t add up.

NK that has multiple-KP and doublekilled, or the voodoo doll shit - leaning the latter.

I don’t know why NK would attack Geof either, which is why I’m leaning seppuku
But fuck if I know


Cult has to attack for Voodoo Action to kill Geoff

If Cult Leader uses Eradicate and I was jailed! You’ve just proved yourself that I can’t be the Cult Leader or the NK if Ivo was killed byNK.