SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Oh right, following night.

Okay then, smartass. Who was the Cult targets N3? As far as I recall the Cult used convert N3.

Derpclear denied

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Thinking it’s Mary CL and Sarah NK here considering that Mary’s defense here against being CL is basically misinterpreting mech. Were she the NK I’d imagine that she’d have a more logical and cohesive defense.


Helen died n2.

Oh I see.

Either way, who were the 2 Cult targets then? Go on, enlighten me.

I’ve already given 3 possible ones

It has to succeed, Alice.

As far as I recall, the 2 deaths N3 were the King, maybe attacked by Cult or NK and Andy, who was killed by the Prince.

Jane and someone else who got healed/immune? Point is you’re not cleared just because there were 2 kills while you were jailed.

Literally nobody else here can be CL+NK except you and Mary. So just give up. You both just got…

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: BOXED IN :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

I’ll have to ask, but I assumed hitting a TW still counts as it succeeding
You just move it to someone else

No, your theory is wrong, but I have a different one.

It depends on the 2nd target, right? If the 2nd target is successfully killed then it would still count, correct? It says nowhere that it has to successfully kill both players for it to go through.

Ivo said that he’d be exe’ing Andy beforehand. Andy is never a Cult/NK target.

Pretty much.

Proving your own innocence is a lot harder when you contradict yourself every two seconds.

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Thomas, can we have your logs?


If you aren’t NK/CL
Who is?
What’s your solve