SFoL 64: Duel of the Juggernauts discussion and balance thread

Thinking the next thing I’m gonna do is make the Prophetic King (for the Arbiter) and the Pious King (for the Priestess)
differences will be mostly negligible and related to their abilities. for example Pious King won’t lose their neighborhood

and i’m also gonna make the divine king for syndicate

i feel like we should add classes from sfol 51 hob (not all of them exist rn) and remove the agent because arbiter does its job better

idk if we should keep cabalist? i feel like it makes less sense for it to exist in a setup without conversion bc it’s basically 2 confirmed villagers wolves have to anticlaim just because they are confirmed

the only confirmed villagers should be the arbiter and the priestess so i would argue for removing prestige classes

yeah get rid of agent, librarian, duelist, saint, cabalist, sentinel, magistrate and warden

add the missing sfol 51 non-prestige classes and redesign the ones we’re left with

Wait but duelist is only prestige because of poacher

SFoL 51 duelist wasn’t prestige iirc

As for classes not in virtuous
That’s Actuary, Fortuneteller, Governor, Coroner, Thaumaturge, Eccentric, and Patron

i feel like we could add all of them
i already have an idea how to rework coroner for them to make sense

yeah duelist is only prestige because of poacher
actually yeah duelist can stay but they would have to be significantly reworked because barely any of their current abilities make much sense as a town class

Duelist could act like Baronet did in virtuous

i’ll see when i rework them
but yeah
we’re removing 8 classes and adding 7 this seems fine

can’t wait for people to think “ooo thunderdome” when there’s no class limit

i mean
removing 7 adding 7
i can’t math

And then the syndicate just dayvigs the one who “wins” because lolanticlaim

i mean
it’s not bullshit broken anticlaim which gives syndicate near-infinite info and screws over everyone who claimed significantly and screws over the entire town faction if too many people claim for no reason

also priestess provides a bit of breathing room if someone feels like they have to claim
why do i feel like priestess will be outed because somebody will have tmi on her during the day and the wolves will notice

being added to the priestess’s neighborhood pretty much tells you who she is so if a wolf gets in there that’s a problem for town too

As such the priestess has to be careful who she adds
Although if she doesn’t claim in the thread she can be healed

that’s the good thing
potentially it allows to build a circle of trusted townies
worst-case scenario somebody fucks up and everyone is outed

i take bets
who’s willing to bet that the arbiter is gonna add a wolf to their neighborhood
that would be ridiculously funny

the “correct” play is most likely to add a greencheck because your checks are guaranteed correct but still