SFoL 64: Duel of the Juggernauts discussion and balance thread

The only wolf Arbiter can’t check/kill is the lost wolf until they join the factional chat. Everyone else is fair game.
I think this works.

Also, the new framing actually works wonders. I can’t wait for someone to get mislynched over this.

would framing affect the number-of-abils-left checker and the watchman?

The Elder


elder getting framed by the syndicate pog

anti claim cant affect wrong claims, right?

Anti claim doesn’t work on incorrect claims because the Syndicate has to say what they think the target’s class is.

It looks like there’s a ton of HoB, but Syndicate has high KP. Anticlaim is 1, factional is 2, Templar has a vig, Elder has a dayvig… yeah.

You joke, but if Elder gets themselves framed by this new effect Harbinger has, the groupscum will know this (the Elder visit notification) and the Elder might get accidentally outed because of it, with the Syndicate fully knowing why it happened and unable to do anything. That would be super funny.

I like the Syndicate’s passives which work on their visitors, because it’s neat wifom and high-risk, high-reward.

if you do the math on actuary it on average ends up being completely busted

I mean I’ve never actually seen an actuary in game

8 limited use abilities
This is a super damning check

5 limited use abilities
Mostly safe but w/e

8 limited use abilities

2 limited use abilities
Actually kind of hurts their claimspace

0 limited use abilities

it should be feared
it has disgustingly strong n1 / n2 invest capabilities

afterwards it kind of sucks
but whatever

theres a reason why actuary only knows “more than 2” or “2 or less” given syndicates abils

Templar / harbinger are only ones not absolutely wrecked by Actuary check early on

Why is Confessor damned but Templar isn’t? They would show the same result

this is the actuary that counts ability uses right

I eval’d a very similar class for another game and found it to be busted

Actuary here will only know if they have more or less than 2

I can’t fucking read

So it counts them
But it’s a lot more vague

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