SFoL 64: Duel of the Juggernauts discussion and balance thread


how about ā€œpriestess?ā€
itā€™s a class that was removed from hob because it could revive players and it was deemed too strong
i feel like flavorwise it could kinda fit as a social class with a neighborhood that provides anticlaim protection

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ok priestess gets to be in the game


there are multiple other HoB classes that I didnā€™t include in virtuous

like governor

The Arbiter :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Special
Inside Knowledge (Passive) - At the start of the first day, you are given the name of another random player who is guaranteed to be a member of the Hand of Byzantium. Additionally, at the start of each day, you will learn which Reshape Reality effect the Syndicate used last night, if any. Revealing any information from this passive within the thread will count as a claim, should the Syndicate notice it.
Tenacity (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune both at night and during the day. You may also use both night abilities at the same time. However, if it ever becomes known what class you are (either by you claiming, or another person claiming for you, or by other means) and the Syndicate notices it in their factional chat, all protective abilities from that point forward will no longer work on you and all attacks against you will bypass occupation and redirection. It does not matter where the claim is noticed.
Entrust (Day) - Choose a player. You gain a day/night neighborhood chat with that player until your death, at which point the other player will be forcibly removed from the neighborhood. Your target cannot be the player whose name was given to you at the start of the game as part of Inside Knowledge. (1 use)
Royal Judgment (Night) - Learn if a player is a member of the Syndicate. If they are, you will attack them as well. The attack is regular and does not bypass immunities.
Royal Providence (Night) - Heal a player, removing bleeding effects and/or poison and preventing them from dying tonight.
Defeat the Syndicate.

The Priestess :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Special
Tenacity (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune both at night and during the day. You may also use both day abilities during the same day (but each of them can only be used once per day). However, if it ever becomes known what class you are (either by you claiming, or another person claiming for you, or by other means) and the Syndicate notices it in their factional chat, all protective abilities from that point forward will no longer work on you and all attacks against you will bypass occupation and redirection. It does not matter where the claim is noticed.
Circle of Worship (Passive) - You start the game in a neighborhood chat with yourself as the only member. It is called the Worshipper neighborhood chat. Everyone in the Worshipper neighborhood chat except you cannot be targeted by the Syndicateā€™s anti-claim mechanics for as long as you are alive. When you die, everyone is ejected from the neighborhood.
Invite to Sermons (Day) - Choose a player. At the start of the night, they will be added to the Worshipper neighborhood chat.
Cherished Blessing (Day) - All members of the Worshipper neighborhood will be immune to the Syndicateā€™s day actions today. (2 uses)
Channel the Fallen (Night) - Choose a night ability of a dead Hand of Byzantium member. You may use it on any eligible target tonight and it will count as a visit of the dead player instead of yours. However, you cannot use the same playerā€™s ability more than once.
Defeat the Syndicate.

Hopefully this works as the two sole HoB PRs.

I also rewrote everything to match the flavor we have here and everything.


So is literally anyone going to question my ideas or do we just go with everything Iā€™ve suggested thus far?

I havenā€™t read them but I agree.

The Elder :shield: :crossed_swords:

Syndicate Special
Alpha and Omega (Passive) - Despite being a member of the Syndicate, you do not know who the other members are and they do not know who you are. You also do not have access to their factional chat or any of their factional actions, but at the start of each day, you are informed about the current Reshape Reality effect the Syndicate activated last night. If at least half of the living Syndicate members (rounded up) have received a notification about the Elder investigating them at any point during the game, you will automatically join their chat when that condition is met. From that point forward, you will also have access to the factional abilities of the Syndicate.
Immaculate (Passive) - You are occupation immune both during the night and during the day. You are also night immune, and you appear to investigators as a member of the Hand of Byzantium. If a member of the Syndicate tries to attack you, you will be notified and gain a use of Righteous Wrath.
Righteous Wrath (Day) - Kill a player in broad daylight. If you are not in the Syndicate factional chat, you gain a use of this ability whenever you discover a member of the Syndicate with Gaze of the Seer. - 0 uses.
Second Wind (Conditional Day/Night) - Choose any ability of a dead Syndicate member. If you are using Second Wind during the day, you may choose a day ability; if you are using it during the night, you may choose a night ability. After choosing the ability, use it on any eligible target/targets of your choice. You may only use each ability once per game. This ability never counts as a visit.
Gaze of the Seer (Night) - Learn if a player is a member of the Syndicate. If they are, they will be informed that the Elder successfully investigated them last night.
Defeat the Hand of Byzantium.

Factional info for the Syndicate:

You have a singular factional kill per night, which is compulsory and assigned. One must sacrifice their night action in order to perform the kill.
You have a singular assigned anti-claim shot per day. To use it, quote a post a player made which appears to be a hardclaim or a softclaim and describe the class you believe they are claiming. If you are correct, you will fire an unstoppable shot at them, killing them unconditionally, unless they are protected by the Priestess. The shot is assigned, meaning that the member of the Syndicate taking it must sacrifice their day action to do so. Note that the post you quote does not have to be written in the primary game thread; posts in neighborhood chats are eligible as well.
When there are only two or fewer Syndicate members left alive, the factional kill and anti-claim shot are no longer assigned, meaning day and night actions no longer have to be sacrificed to use them, and they do not count as actions or visits.
If the Elder ever becomes the only Syndicate member left alive, they automatically join the factional chat.
Every night, you may activate a Reshape Reality action from a list. You may only activate each action once. The selection is not assigned by any means, and it is made as a collective decision in the factional chat. The Elder will not be able to choose the action until the join the factional chat, but they will be informed which Reshape Reality action is in place at the start of each day.

Thatā€™s all I have for now?

Wolf KP is complicated, but it seems close to 2.

Number of mislynches required to win:

Day 1 lynch:

20/6 - 1
17/6 - 2
14/6 - 3
11/6 - 4
8/6 - 5

asssuming all KP hits, 5 mislynches are needed and there are 6 members
i think hob has enough ways to protect from kp and to not be dumbasses so i think this is fine

no day 1 lynch:

18/6 - 1
15/6 - 2
12/6 - 3
9/6 - 4
6/6 - 5

still 5 with no day 1 lynch

i think this is fine? depending on how the game goes it can swing kinda

Can I already /Pre-Spectate?

iā€™m using average kp here, so iā€™m assuming a successful anticlaim shot goes off every day
and the factional also succeeds

now iā€™m wondering if the anticlaim protection priestess gives is gonna be annoying for the wolves
because if the neighborhood members are smart then they wonā€™t out the priestess or the fact they were in a neighborhood
that said i feel like people here are generally bad at hiding stuff from the wolves and they needlessly soft all the time
also the anticlaim protection is literally 0 people day 1, 1 person day 2, 2 people day 3 etc. doesnā€™t seem like much
itā€™s gonna have much more of an impact in lategame but the possibility of inviting a wolf to the neighborhood fucks everything up and also the idea is to invite the most villagery people to the neighborhood anyway (most of the time)
i think this is fine?

also i think i wanna slightly buff syndicate classes. slightly
new classcards will be posted below


The Templar :shield:

Syndicate Killer
In Nomine Dei (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, you will always bypass night immunity and protective effects. You may also use both Purge the Sinners and Faith and Steel on the same day.
Purge the Sinners (Day) - Choose two players. Make one of them start bleeding, and make another think they started bleeding. The true bleeding will kill the target in two nights if they are not healed. The fake bleeding will only inform the player that they were bled and do nothing else. (3 uses)
Faith and Steel (Day) - Kill yourself and target player in broad daylight. Nothing will be able to stop this. (1 use)
Divine Retribution (Night) - Only available on even nights. Attack a player who voted you at any point during the previous day. You do not receive bonuses from In Nomine Dei while using this ability.
Massacre (Night) - If you perform the factional kill tonight, you will also kill all of your targetā€™s visitors. You do not receive bonuses from In Nomine Dei while using this ability. (1 use)
Defeat the Hand of Byzantium.

The Confessor :shield:

Syndicate Investigative
Syndicateā€™s Watchmen (Passive) - At the end of each night, you automatically learn the names of all classes that visited you. If you were visited more than once by the same class, the name of that class will appear several times, corresponding to the number of visits from that class.
Contrition (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, it will not count as a visit.
Omniscience (Day) - Choose another member of the Syndicate. At the beginning of the night, you will learn if any other day abilities were used on them and who used them, but not what they were. (3 uses)
Eyes of the Syndicate (Day) - Choose one player for each living member of the Syndicate. At the end of the coming night, if you are alive, you will learn which of those players visited a member of the Syndicate during the night, but not which member was visited. (2 uses)
Confession (Night) - Learn a playerā€™s class and how many remaining uses of limited abilities they have. You will also learn their current logs, if they have any.
Vigil (Night) - Learn who a player visited tonight and who visited them. (3 uses)
Defeat the Hand of Byzantium.

The Harbinger :shield:

Syndicate Support
Omen of Remorse (Passive) - Whenever a player visits you, they become permanently framed (they will appear to investigators as members of the Syndicate). The Arbiter is immune to this effect, and will also bypass the framing, should they target a framed player. Additionally, if you perform the factional kill, your targetā€™s logs will be deleted. You will learn what information they contained.
Omen of Deceit (Passive) - You appear to investigators as a member of the Hand of Byzantium, except for the Arbiter. You are also bleeding immune.
Dominance of Pestilence (Day) - All players who attempt to occupy or kill you tonight will start bleeding and their visit will be prevented. The bleeding will kill them in two nights if they are not healed. If the Arbiter attempts to investigate you, they will also be prevented and bled. (2 uses)
Circle of War (Day) - Prevent another player from visiting and being visited tonight. (2 uses)
Grasp of Famine (Night) - Heal a player. They will also be immune to occupation and redirection tonight.
Banner of Death (Night) - Mark a player for death. All attacks that target a marked player are guaranteed to succeed. (1 use)
Defeat the Hand of Byzantium.

The Zealot :shield:

Syndicate Offensive
Fanatical Zeal (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune. If anyone attempts to occupy or redirect you, you will be immediately informed. If you manage to redirect a player onto killing another, you will be informed and you will a gain a stack of Zeal. You can spend Zeal stacks during the night to occupy a player as an additional, separate night action. This night action still counts as a visit.
Overwhelming Aura (Passive) - At the end of each night, you automatically learn who was successfully occupied, redirected, or prevented from visiting. Additionally, if you perform the factional kill, you occupy your target before attacking them.
Force of Conviction (Day) - Choose two players. If the first player uses a day ability today, it will be redirected to the second player. If you choose the same player twice, they will be occupied until the end of the day instead. (3 uses)
Mirror of Faith (Day) - Choose a player. All other day actions used on them today will be automatically redirected to their users. You cannot target yourself. (3 uses)
Might of Conviction (Night) - Choose two players. The first player will be redirected to the second. If you choose the same player twice, you will occupy them instead. You are only seen visiting the first player you choose.
Works of Zeal (Night) - Swap two players. Every other player targeting one of them tonight will be redirected to the other, bypassing redirection immunity. You cannot target yourself. (2 uses)
Defeat the Hand of Byzantium.

The Archon :shield:

Syndicate Social
Influence and Affluence (Passive) - During King elections, all votes for you count as three. As long as you are alive, if votes are tied between two or more players at the end of the day and one of those players is a member of the Syndicate, the random selection of who is lynched will never choose the Syndicate member.
Grand Archbishop (Passive) - As long as you are alive, all dead Syndicate members can still speak in the Syndicate chat. You may use both Mental Restructuring and Rapture during the same day. Additionally, if you perform the factional kill, your vote will secretly count as two during the following day.
Mental Restructuring (Day) - Link the minds of two players. Tonight, they will be able to talk to each other until the end of the night. At the end of the night, they will be removed from their chat and you will be added to it.
Rapture (Day) - Choose a player other than yourself. If they are lynched today, their class and logs will not be revealed. However, they will be revealed in the Syndicate chat. When you die, the class and logs of that player will be revealed alongside yours. (1 use)
Scales of the Syndicate (Night) - Choose two players other than yourself. Tomorrow, one fewer vote will be required to lynch the first player and one more vote will be required to lynch the second player. Both effects are silent.
Pearly Gates (Night) - Choose a dead Syndicate member whose identity was not hidden by Rapture and bring them back to life until the end of the next day. It will be publicly announced that the Syndicate revived [player] for one last day. They will not be able to vote, and they will not count toward parity, but they will be able to post a total of 50 times and they will be able to use their day abilities as normal. They will also count as alive for the purpose of the Syndicateā€™s abilities, such as the Confessorā€™s Eyes of the Syndicate. (1 use)
Defeat the Hand of Byzantium.

I mostly just rewrote their abilities to fit the new flavor, and gave each member a unique passive that triggers when they perform the factional kill. Iā€™m torn on the Archonā€™s new version of Pearly Gates, but I donā€™t think itā€™s overpowered. The best thing I can imagine someone doing with this is to revive the Templar and make them suicide bomb a confirmed townie in LyLo, which isā€¦ yeah, it seems like a bit much, actually. Might wanna change or nerf that.

At the same time, I plan to buff HoB too, so maybe itā€™ll even itself out?

Somebody should post the HoB classes we have from Virtuous. Iā€™ll start working on that.
Someone else should probably start working on this setup, too.

Iā€™m thinking the wolves shouldnā€™t be allowed to puppet each otherā€™s actions, tbh. Just a little encouragement to actually play the game.

Also, implement a posting minimum of 50 or something.

Maybe 25 instead. 50 seems like too much for some people we have here.