SFoL 64: Duel of the Juggernauts discussion and balance thread

Vul :b:ul Vul :b:ul Vul :b:ul

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katze katsay katze katsay katze katsay


I’d go for katsi katsay

I’ll go through the classcards and change “lynch” to “execute.” I think this word fits the theme of the setup the best.


Streamlined the wording of classes in the OP, added additional information to the OP and tweaked some of the classes.

Considering how much protection exists in the setup, I’m tempted to give Syndicate bonus KP, but they already have plenty of strategic KP.

Also, removed some of the abilities which would be way too difficult to keep track of.

This setup is extremely mech-intensive as it is and will require lots of night action / day action resolution. We probably need at least 2 co-hosts.

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It would also have the additional benefit of timezone coverage. Nearly every class can do things during both phases.

I updated the OP here with the version of setup that passed review.

Just bumping in case anyone ever wants to host this (I’m always open to cohosting).