SFoL 64 - Informed Spectator Chat


we already have a case of the trees

wait i just relaized who the 1 billion poster is

three guesses who our King is fealtying


whuwu is it

also dont forget this luwusers

only need one



two more

thomas SF would be super gamer tbh

I was correct

you are wrong

i thought smoothbrain dude was an alt

is he the actual pepega spammer turbo fast lunatic

when n1 ends we will tell whoever guessed the most alts that they guessed the most alts


tfw pkr spews himself as in the game and light basically claims thomas

imagine people beign able to alt properly

tfw PKR has flashbacks to an ongoing game

and so am i

to be fair

this game has felt very long

now that I think about it

alice really could be pepegaperson

i suppose sitting at 14/18 players for like 5 days

and then 17/18 for another few days

and then dealing with this shit


hey does anyone want to sub in :flushed:

o_o this do be kinda illegal doesnt do it be