SFoL 64 - Informed Spectator Chat

i feel like NK win is… actually somewhat likely here

tonights night actions dictate it all, if cult miss convert i think they just lose and if cult lose…

NK probably just wins

unless NK attacks thomas again

then i will be very sad

im p sure NK thinks thomas is just a wolf as opposed to being NE, but given emma is 100% the yeet today and flipping acolyte they should be able to figure out that the fact the kill failed means it wasn’t a rit heal

thing is, if cult hit convert tonight then there’s a pretty likely chance that cult just out alice as NK for surviving the bleed

im kind of mentally predicting that cult tries to convert the butler and NK also kills the butler but humans are weird



how does Alice still think there’s a ritualist


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with an acolyte flip they should surely figure this out i hope

its basic FoLology that on N3 there’s only one possible convert, and with an Acolyte/Cabalist flip they should figure this out

okay shes listing out how thomas is alive and how there was a K/O check on a CW

she has not listed a single neutral

alice please

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the neutral is dead

but jane said two had to spawn

Jane is dead

Dead villagers’ reads don’t matter

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you’re dead

so I don’t matter

exactly kat

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wait no you matter come back

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Who’s going to be locked up in a dungeon with a murderer for 24 hours?

i wish it was me but still alch

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kat no


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on a sidenote

having jane in my informed spec chats is free likes


kat yes

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Well now I’m not doing it anymore.

what if i post this

Nothing happens.

bringing out the big guns

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Once more, nothing happens.