SFoL 64 - Informed Spectator Chat

Don’t ask me, I have no clue what you are talking about rn anyway.

king dies to bleed tomorrow night not tonight

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I don’t read roles lol


its okay reading roles makes you realize how dumb they are

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reading kat makes you realize how dumb kat is

the future is gonna hit u like a truck shitnugget

I’m aborting this timeline

this is the only timeline with waluigi

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undo abort undo abort

allies chat is cute

the king is forcibly telling the prince/nk that they are all friends now

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NK is possessing thomas as CL and says it’s just in case

i want to quote a message but its pretty obvious who the main of Alice is if i do

they’re scared of risking Thomas being actually cult despite thinking theyre NE and thinks it’d be funny to flip the CL as Cabalist


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so im p sure NK is keeping their action on possessing thomas as CL, which…

not a good action imo :confused:

i still have faith in them winning but cult will know their exact class come day


they might change? :eyes:



just to double check, are day abilities supposed to be usable during GT

im like 99% sure no

also think no but wanted to double check

cause GT is weird

pretty sure we weren’t allowed to in NFoL4

if that helps at all

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Update: NK is betting the game on Thomas being Merc

…close enough?

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kat wake up so you can tell me whether or not Fool is dying.

Or the nerd can tell me instead?