SFoL 64 - Informed Spectator Chat

you just laugh at the same jokes every time

I dont get it but it’s not like actively annoying

thomas just talks so fucking much and if they are at al trying to be funny they are falling flat

I don’t think it’s Mr. “Modkill me” but it reminds me of that.

ik who it is btw

its arete :slight_smile:

it’s me

wait are u arete


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Now the game is actually readable.

A pp re n t ic e


too bad i cant ignore a player for obvious reasons :slight_smile:

cmon this isnt 7th grade :confused:

You can modkill them instead :upside_down_face:

Hippo energy

i want to

but like

im p sure from an objective standpoint they arent there yet

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My yolk nerd.

Ignore function is kinda buggy tbh.

wheres the ban function

Ask the nerd.

Ban me nerd
You won’t


Ignore function doesn’t work properly.

I need more drastic measures.