SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

gets old?

the joke is deader than i am

shut THE fuck UP wOLF

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
dota lol :crown:, cheese, Pikamee 3/8
EVO Zone_Q11, PokemonKidRyan 2/8
Pikamee EVO, GGhana 2/8
EliThePsycho Aelin 1/8
PokemonKidRyan EliThePsycho 1/8
Not voting Akip, an_gorta_pratai, dota, Italy, WindwardAway 5

Any errors, ping me. Reminder to ping me with votes otherwise I won’t count it, even if I see it.

womp womp

fwiw I ISO’d Pikamee and cheese, and I find that cheese is townier than Pikamee
except that cheese keeps saying “my reads are going to be wrong” all the time, which I don’t like

Momentum died, respect the working man, and doto is trying my patience at this point.

I had a thought again about the night kills
I know it was mentioned that maybe the logs were wiped, or at least that Marl’s could have been wiped (and I can see why that would point to Derps not killing Marl), but is there any chance that Derps’ flip was altered to actually show Prince when he wasn’t?

also, hi Pikamee, don’t think I’ve properly greeted you yet

hiyo thank you for superchat

Hey, sorry I’ve been quiet.
It’s just, the last time thread was quiet and I tried to force it not to be (The Thing Game)
I got scumread and lynched for it eventually.

So yeah, I’m just going to let things be and do my stuff when here

there are some things better left unsaid pkr.

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Hey PKR, while you’re here, if you didn’t realize I subbed in for Cloned, which slot did you think I was? :sweat_smile:

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PAIN :weary:

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he’s not wrong

he has a track record for having better reads when he flips them completely so its natural he would feel unconfident especially in a new envirionment

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weren’t you scum

aren’t you supposed to be town

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he’s atoning for his sins

repent sinner




Not really sure where to place windward since I was pretty sour on Cloned, but didn’t pay it much attention