SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

Oh, that take on GGhana? Doesn’t look great. I’m not convinced Akip is a frozen wolf, but you’re right about the wagons. Let’s see where this goes.

/vote akip

Crap I forgot to tag Wazza

/vote Akip @Wazza

omg the first episode of to your eternity :cry: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :sneezing_face:

I’m bored. Anyone got anything interesting to talk about?

I’m bored too but I’m about to cook food

ooo, whatcha cooking?

well, it probably counts as brunch at this point? gonna fry some eggs and I’m not sure what else yet

ew, eggs

I still remember those food pics you sent though
those looked delicious

I was gonna cook something nice last night but got way too lazy and just picked up sushi instead lol

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Sushi ain’t bad

It’s almost always a valid backup
I saw some freshly made sushi at the grocery and decided that was way easier and more tempting than making a salad lol

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it is just low posting

he posted a hot take couldn’t handle the pressure and dipped heavy

doesn’t look like anyone has meta on akip though so who knows

if marl died and knows akip well like it seems when he kept telling people to make akip king it could lean towards akip being mafia

You mean how Akip refused the suggestion that he become king?

no moreso how marl seems to know akip atleast somewhat at first glance, so could read him well
i dont know if anyone else has big meta most people just went ‘‘frozen wolf’’

i have 0 idea about setup but mafia being king doesnt sound terrible? could be wrong tho

Ah I see what you mean
In certain cases yes, like if they don’t get a convert and you king one of them, it gives them more execution power but kind of reduces their numbers otherwise (but we don’t have trials I guess)

i know dota is throwing and he’s probably mafia so im kinda biased

I don’t really know if I see Akip and dota as a team
I do think Dota is more likely mafia just based on the one game I played with him,and he pulled the same shit there as he has in this game